Add one more thing to wheat flour, it will not only be good for taste but also for health, along with weight, cholesterol will also be reduced

Besan for Weight Loss: Wheat and rice are the staple food in our country. These two grains are cooked in some form or the other in every household. 100 grams of wheat contains 71 grams of carbohydrates which becomes the main source of energy for us. Apart from this, there are vitamins and minerals too but due to high carbohydrates, wheat is not an ideal diet. Its glycemic index is also high. This is the reason why it is also considered a factor in weight gain. It contains very little protein. Therefore, if you add a little gram flour to wheat flour, then it becomes very nutritious for you. Along with this, it can also reduce the risk of many diseases.

Why mix gram flour in wheat flour
Clinical Nutritionist practicing in Phoenix, USA Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi said that the best way to make food nutritious is to add gram flour to wheat flour. You will get all kinds of nutrients in gram flour. It contains a lot of fiber and protein. Along with this, there is no shortage of calcium and carbohydrates in it. In this way it becomes a complete nutritious diet. Its taste also increases. Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi said that one of the reasons behind poor health in our country is that people are able to reduce the intake of protein. While many cheap sources of it are also available. Gram flour is one of them. It is a treasure of protein. Therefore, you can use it in different ways in your daily diet.

can control weight
Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi told that gram flour contains a lot of fiber and protein. Therefore, if you eat its rotis in the morning, you will not feel hungry for a long time. This will help you lose weight. 100 grams of gram contains 12 grams of dietary fiber. However, the benefit of losing weight will be more when it is ground with its peel and flour is made. This gives complete fiber. Due to high fiber, it makes the stomach feel full for a long time. Therefore, hunger remains controlled. Dietary fiber also slows down digestion.

Beneficial for the heart

Gram flour also contains potassium and magnesium. Both these elements are very good for the heart. This means that it will strengthen the heart muscles and reduce the risk of heart-related diseases. Not only this, some research has also found that soluble fiber is found in gram flour which reduces LDL i.e. bad cholesterol and total cholesterol. Apart from this, it also reduces triglycerides. In this way, it is beneficial for the heart from this point of view. Consumption of gram flour can also control blood pressure.

controls blood sugar
Dr. Priyanka Rohatgi told that if you are a diabetic patient, then definitely make roti by mixing gram flour with wheat flour and consume it. If you eat rotis made only from wheat, then there will be a risk of increasing sugar. The GI or glycemic index of gram flour is very low. That is, it does not allow blood sugar to increase. For this reason it is very beneficial for diabetes patients. Dietary fiber and protein in gram flour helps in reducing sugar. Actually, all these elements prevent carbohydrates from increasing in the blood because its absorption becomes very slow. According to a study, if gram flour or black gram is consumed after eating, then the blood sugar level decreases by 36 percent.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle

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