Amazing man, I will vote for him only... Chinese made fun of the attack on Donald Trump, started making fun of him

While the world was terrified by the attack on former US President Donald Trump, people in China made fun of it. People made amazing memes and made fun of him on Chinese social media sites. Some said, he is an amazing man. The bullet passed through his ears, but he did not forget to clench his fist. I will vote for him. Millions of posts were shared on China’s social media platform Weibo with #trumpassassinationbid. After the attack, Trump’s pictures kept floating on social media throughout the day. Some people also sharply criticized America for its gun culture.

When Trump was the President of America, America’s relationship with China had deteriorated a lot. Trump even kept warning China repeatedly. He banned many of their goods. That’s why as soon as the news of the attack on him was shared on social media, people were seen celebrating. Some users said, ‘He was lucky that he survived even after being attacked so closely. He did not get seriously injured.’ Some praised his quick reaction. Wrote, I will praise his quick reaction. I bet that if Joe Biden was in his place, it would have taken a lot of time to bow down. That’s why I will vote for Trump. This post got millions of likes.

Trump’s power will increase further
Many people quipped that this attack will further increase his strength in the elections. They wrote, he must have got himself attacked, perhaps he wants to win the election. A blogger with more than 1 million followers said that this incident has made Trump “a traditional Hollywood President”. Some people compared him to former Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.

Where the sound of bullets reverberates every day…
Some people wrote, great democracy, where the sound of bullets echoes every day. Trump will be given a chance as the next president with the sound of bullets. China’s media condemned the attack. Global Times wrote, how the political polarization increasing into violence shows that more people are feeling disappointed about American democracy.

Tags: China news, Donald Trump

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