America finally bowed down to Julian Assange, a deal got him released, Wikileaks chief freed after 12 years


WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was finally freed on Tuesday.America had once declared him an enemy and most wanted.However, now their deal has been done, after which Assange will be able to return to his country Australia.

London. WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange finally breathed a sigh of freedom on Tuesday. He had taken refuge in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for nearly 12 years to avoid a sexual harassment case. However, now he has struck a deal with the US Justice Department, after which he boarded a plane from London airport to go to America.

According to documents filed in a court in Northern Mariana, an American island in the Pacific Ocean, Assange will appear in a US court this week and plead guilty to obtaining and disclosing confidential defense documents.

Assange has details of the deal made in America
Assange, who has been in custody in Britain so far, is expected to be sentenced to a maximum of 62 months in prison in this case, including the five years he spent in a British prison. This means that he can then return to his native country Australia.

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WikiLeaks reported on Tuesday morning that ‘Julian Assange is released’ and has left Britain. He is scheduled to appear in US territory on Wednesday morning local time. The hackers’ group said, ‘After more than five years in isolation in a 2×3 meter cell, 23 hours a day, he will soon be reunited with his wife Stella Assange and his children, who have known their father only from behind bars.’

America had told him most wanted
Let us tell you that 52-year-old publisher Assange was the head of the whistle-blowing website WikiLeaks. In 2010, he published hundreds of thousands of secret documents of the US Defense Department on his website. After this, the US declared him most wanted, calling him an enemy of the country. During this difficult time, Assange became a hero for those campaigning for freedom of expression around the world. At the same time, he became a villain for those who thought that by revealing these secret documents, he had endangered the US national security and intelligence sources.

US officials wanted to prosecute Assange for revealing US military secrets related to the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. In this case, the US federal grand jury indicted Assange on 18 counts in the year 2019. However, this deal now will end Assange’s legal drama of almost 14 years and he will be able to return to his country free.

Tags: America News, World news

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