Another great gift to dictator Kim... America's BP will increase, why is Putin showing - this is number one friendship

Moscow: The world is watching every move of Putin since the Ukraine war. Western countries including America are hell bent on isolating Russia. But Putin is stubborn and is not agreeing. He has also decided not to bow down to the West. This is the reason why Russian President Vladimir Putin reached North Korea on Wednesday after 24 years. He is increasing his friendship with dictator Kim Jong. By visiting North Korea, Putin wants to show the world including America that this is the number one friendship between Kim and Putin. Putin is no longer worried about the sanctions of America or Western countries. He has put aside the sanctions of America and the United Nations. This is the reason why when Russian President Vladimir Putin reached North Korea on Wednesday, he also took a special gift for his friend Kim Jong Un. Yes, Putin gifted Kim Jong-un a luxurious Aurus limousine. This is Putin’s second gift for Kim Jong Un. Even before this, he has gifted a luxury car to Kim Jong Un.

Another gift from Putin to Kim
In fact, 71-year-old Russian President Putin gifted Kim Jong Un an Aurus Limousine luxury car. This is the second time Putin has gifted this model of car to North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Not only this, Putin also gifted Kim Jong Un a tea set. It is also being said that he has also gifted a dagger. However, the world could not know what exactly Kim Jong Un gifted to Putin. Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov has admitted that Putin has also received gifts and they are great gifts. But he did not disclose it. Meanwhile, Putin said that Russia and North Korea have taken relations to a new level. He promised that if any country (Russia or North Korea) is attacked, they will help each other.

Putin receives rousing welcome in North Korea
Putin’s aide Yuri Ushakov told TASS news agency without mentioning the model that we have given Kim Jong Un an Aurus. This is the second time Putin has gifted Kim. After this Putin took 40-year-old Kim Jong Un for a ride in a Russian-made Aurus car. After this their talks ended. Pictures released by Russian media showed Putin and Kim driving around the guest house in new Aurus cars one after the summit. When the Russian President arrived in North Korea, he was given a warm welcome. Red carpets were laid to welcome him. A huge crowd gathered on the streets to welcome Putin’s convoy. People shouted slogans of ‘Welcome Putin’. During this time the public also waved the flags of North Korea and Russia. Putin was accompanied by many top officials including Deputy Prime Minister Denis Manturov, Defense Minister Andrei Belousov and Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

Putin put the sanctions on hold
In fact, last time, i.e. in February this year, when Kim Jong Un visited Russia, Putin gifted Kim an Aurus car. Without revealing the model, TASS said that Kim Jong Un became the first leader to receive it as a gift. After this, in May, Putin gifted an Aurus car to Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa. However, gifting anything by Putin to Kim Jong Un or North Korea is against the sanctions. Putin giving this gift to Kim is a violation of the United Nations Security Council sanctions banning the supply, sale and transfer of luxury items to North Korea under Resolution 2397 adopted in December 2017.

Why is Putin getting closer to Kim?
Putin giving this gift to Kim Jong Un will not go down well with him. This will definitely increase the BP of the Americans. Russia has deliberately violated the US-UN sanctions. Now the question is why is Putin doing this? So the answer is that Putin wants to show the world that Russia is not isolated in the Ukraine war. Putin wants to show that many countries of the world are standing with him. NATO countries including America are engaged in completely breaking Russia by continuously helping Ukraine. But stubborn Putin is not agreeing. This is the reason why he needs help of weapons to further intensify the Ukraine war. In such a situation, North Korea is the only country that can help Russia militarily. Putin knows that like Russia, North Korea is also an enemy of America. That is why Putin is increasing his friendship with the dictator of North Korea.

Tags: Kim Yong Un, North Korea, Russia, Vladimir Putin

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