Are aliens present or not? Human life can be settled on these 7 planets, it has been revealed

Rogue Planet: Recently, scientists of the European Space Agency have discovered seven new ‘stray’ planets with the Euclid Space Telescope. These planets do not revolve around their sun like our Earth. They are floating freely here and there in the Universe. There is never day on them, darkness prevails throughout the year i.e. it is night. In such a situation, despite the darkness on these planets, the possibility of life is being expressed here. These can throw light on the mysteries of such worlds, where life may already exist. These planets are 1500 light years away from Earth.

Scientists said that even though these ‘stray’ planets are isolated in space, scientists think that life may be possible here or it may also already exist here, that is, alien life may be present there. According to researchers, such ‘stray’ rogue planets exist in our Milky Way. The European Space Agency said that the mass of each of these seven new freely floating planets is four times larger than Jupiter.

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Habitable ‘stray’ planet?
Astronomer Gavin Coleman of Queen Mary University of London told many interesting things while talking about the ‘wandering’ planets. While talking about these planets, a Spanish astronomer Eduardo Martin said that their shape is like the upper part of an iceberg.

revolve around each other
Coleman said, ‘We all have grown up seeing the sun in the sky, we cannot imagine that there would be a planet or a star in space on which any life is possible. All these ‘stray’ planets do not live alone but in binary systems, in which two planets revolve around each other.’

Are there many stray planets?
The habitable environment on these planets could have important implications for the search for extraterrestrial life. Martin said, “Some of our nearest neighbouring planets are probably ‘vagrant’ planets.” It is believed that such planets are cold from inside and any energy supporting life in them does not come from any star but from inside them.

How is life possible in the dark?
Just as there are geothermal vents on Earth, which help dark life to flourish, these ‘avara’ may indicate the possibility of similar conditions flourishing. There is a possibility of promoting bacterial and microbial life here.

Tags: Space, Space news

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