Could not become an international player himself, so he raised an army of players, 70 have got jobs through sports quota...-could-not-become-an-international-player-he-raised-an-army-of-players-70-have-got-jobs-through-sports-quota

Pali. A person is not able to achieve that position in his life even after a lot of struggle and due to some reason or the other he gets left behind and gets disappointed but Chidiya Babu, a resident of Pali city, did something different. Chidiya Babu was fond of basketball and he was also a good player but due to his short height he could not become a national player. But he did not get disappointed after this and when his dream remained unfulfilled, he himself became its coach and has been giving free coaching of basketball for 50 years.

Although he himself could not become a national player, but till date he has trained 4 international and 150 national players. By profession Chidiya Babu is a vegetable market trader, but today his life is full of inspiration. 74-year-old Nazar Mohammad alias Chidiya Babu, who lives in Nadi Mohalla of the city, is known as a basketball player and Guruji. By giving free coaching of this game, he has trained hundreds of international, national and state players. 70 players have got government jobs on the basis of this game.

This is how it started
Chidiya Babu tells that he started playing basketball in the year 1967. After 3 years in 1970, he got selected in the Rajasthan team camp. He was very happy. But due to his short height (4.9 feet), he was not selected in the team. Due to which his dream of becoming a national player was shattered. He did not go to the basketball court for many days. He thought that now his dream of playing national will never be fulfilled. The family members supported him. He once again entered the field. Thinking that I cannot become a national player myself, but now I will prepare national players. Today he has prepared not only national but also international players.

Providing training for 50 years and the goal is the same
Chidiya Babu is a vegetable market trader by profession but since childhood he has been so passionate about basketball that he used to spend morning and evening on the court of Bangad School Ground. He set only one goal in his life that one day a player should emerge from Pali who can play at the National level. Thinking this, he started giving free training to players in the basketball ground of Bangad School. He started giving free training in 1974 and even today after 50 years this work is going on. The objective is also to prepare as many players as possible.

150 players who have played national
It is said that if you have the desire to achieve something, then your hard work never goes waste. Keeping this in mind, whatever Chidiya Babu started, his hard work did not go waste. He achieved what he had thought. Players from Pali have also played basketball at the international level. Hanuman Singh Base, Neeraj Kala, Vinod Mewada, Harshvardhan Tank are national players. All of them have also got government jobs. In total, about 70 players are in government jobs. In such a situation, what can be a happier thing for a coach than this. Apart from these four, 150 players have played at the national level after taking coaching. The number of players from Pali playing at the state level is in hundreds.

Tags: Local18, Rajasthan news, Sports news

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