Donald Trump and Joe Biden... who is a liar and who is truthful? Barack Obama explained

Washington. Before the presidential election in America, a fierce debate was seen between Joe Biden and Donald Trump. In this debate shown live on TV, Biden and Trump attacked each other fiercely and called each other a liar and the worst president in American history. Now former President Barack Obama has also given a statement regarding this, in which he explained who is true and who is a liar…

Senior Democrat leader Obama wrote on the social media platform, ‘Many debates are nasty. Believe me, I know. But this election is still an election between people, one of whom has fought for the common man all his life and the other who only cares about himself. Between a man who speaks the truth; who knows right and wrong and tells the American people straight – and a man who lies for his own benefit. Last night did not change that, and that is why there is so much at stake in November.’

Biden and Trump made many personal attacks
Let us tell you that there was a debate of about 90 minutes between President Biden and Republican rival Donald Trump. In this, both fiercely attacked each other on the US economy, border security, foreign policy, abortion and the state of national security. During this, both made personal attacks on each other. Biden called former President Trump a ‘fool and a loser’.

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Trump looked quite confident in this high profile debate. He also repeated lies ranging from abortion to taxes and budget deficit. Trump also linked the country’s problems to the influx of people crossing the US border with Mexico and said that they are harming the US economy.

Biden called Trump an idiot
In response to Trump’s statement, Biden said, ‘He is exaggerating, he is lying.’ Biden called Trump a fool and a loser. On the issue of age, Biden reminded Trump that he is only three years younger than him. 81-year-old Biden is the oldest president in American history.

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Trump then called Biden a criminal, as Biden called him a ‘convicted criminal’, referring to his conviction in the New York ‘hush money’ case. Biden accused Trump of not knowing what he was saying. He questioned Trump’s morality and said, ‘How many billions of dollars in civil penalties do you owe for publicly harassing a woman, having sex with a porn star when your wife was pregnant, and many other things. What are you talking about?’

Democrats in panic mode
On the other hand, in the eyes of most people watching this debate on TV, former President Donald Trump performed better than current President Joe Biden. Biden, who is hoping to regain the presidential chair, was seen faltering during this debate. Seeing Biden’s condition, top Democrat leaders also got worried. A discussion started among them whether Biden would be able to overcome this attacking mode of Trump.

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Of those who watched the debate on TV, 57 percent said they had no real confidence in Biden’s ability to lead the country, and 44 percent said they had no real confidence in Trump’s ability to do so. (With agency input)

Tags: Donald Trump, Joe Biden

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