Even though he is 81 years old, Biden is still showing his strength, he made such a bold announcement that Trump will be troubled

Washington. US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday that he is the Democratic Party’s candidate for the presidential election to be held on November 5 and there is no pressure on him to withdraw from the race. Biden’s statement is in sharp contrast to the recent media reports that there is a view within the party that Biden’s performance in the ‘Presidential Debate’ has been disappointing compared to Republican Party candidate Donald Trump and he should withdraw from the race. After Biden’s announcement, his rival candidate Donald Trump will definitely face problems.

Joe Biden said on Wednesday in a campaign to raise funds for the election, ‘I am the candidate from the Democratic Party. No one is ousting me. I am not leaving, I am in this race till the end and we are going to win this election. Donate to help me and Vice President Harris defeat Donald Trump in November.’ After a poor performance in the ‘Presidential Debate’ last Thursday in Atlanta, Biden’s ‘rating’ has fallen and leaders of his own party are asking him to drop out of the race.

In a mass email to his supporters, he said, “Look, this campaign is bigger than you or me. Everything we believe in, stand for, and fight for is at stake in this election.” He said, “If I did not have full faith that I could finish the work that Kamala and I started on January 20, 2021, I would not have run for re-election. There is no other team I would rather fight with than this team. Let’s join hands and get this work done.”

FIRST PUBLISHED : July 4, 2024, 11:07 IST

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