Explainer: How Kamala Harris and Donald Trump are completely different from each other, their weaknesses and strengths


Kamala Harris is 59 years old while Donald Trump is 79 years old Kamal Harris’s parents came to America from outside while Trump is a native of the same countryBoth Trump and Kamala seem confident and speak openly on issues

When US President Joe Biden was in the Democratic Party presidency, Donald Trump was promoting him as an old, forgetful and incapable person in taking decisions. But as soon as Biden withdrew from the presidential election race, the whole scene changed. Now it is expected that the current Vice President Kamala Harris will be her party’s official candidate against Trump. Then Kamala will be more or less young and Trump will be old in front of her. To a large extent, this is also going to be a big issue in the US elections.

In fact, Trump will be clearly older than any candidate from the Democratic Party who will stand against him. But if Harris is the Democratic candidate against him, then clearly the issue of young versus old will effectively influence the voters in the election. The atmosphere that was created in favor of Trump till now will start changing with Harris becoming the candidate.

Harris speaks fluently and is known for her clean politics apart from her bravado, where she takes every step with caution. Trump is the exact opposite. He is known for often taking wrong steps and making controversial statements due to his bravado. He has excessive self-confidence. But his politics revolves more around hate.

It is also certain that if Harris becomes the Democratic candidate, the gender divide between the parties in the election may be similar to that of 2016, although times have changed to some extent since then. Because Kamala Harris became the first woman Vice President of the country and in her tenure so far, she has gradually established her dominance.

Gender Basis
By the way, 8 years ago when Hillary Clinton was nominated by the Democratic Party, Republican Donald Trump created an environment based on misogyny against her on the basis of gender. Certainly, this can also be a factor in the opposition to Harris. Trump’s supporters have already started creating such a gender-based environment.

08 years ago, Donald Trump made the election against Hillary Clinton gender-based hatred. This time too he might want to do the same but the situation has changed this time, because many allegations have been made against Trump regarding women. (news18)

Harris has played a major role in the administration’s efforts to protect national access to abortion, while Trump has been against it. Although there was no anti-women environment against Trump when he was first elected, this time Trump’s behavior towards women is more at the center of criticism. Several cases have also come up against him regarding indecency and behavior with women. He has been convicted criminally of manipulating business records to hide a technically alleged sexual relationship with an adult film actress. The sentence for this is yet to be pronounced. Trump’s image is tainted, while Harris’s image is clean.

American demographics are changing. Young Americans who are Asian, black, Hispanic or of mixed race are growing in number. They will be in favor of Harris. Harris will benefit from this. A large number of black women have already expressed their support for Harris. Kamala Harris never hides her identity. She says
‘I am who I am’: A daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants and an American.

Who is more with the youth
Harris is young by the standards of a 2024 presidential candidate, a reflection of America’s growing diversity. She is Black and South Asian—one of the 10 percent of Americans with a mixed racial background. About 15 percent of U.S. residents under the age of 18 are multiracial. These numbers present a sharp contrast with Trump. Trump, in particular, has been criticized for spreading hate by saying that white Americans are in crisis. Harris can present herself to voters as a blank slate in a way Trump cannot.

Kamala Harris is a very effective speaker and communicates with the public in a very good way. During her speeches, she discusses some issues and things quickly and with wittiness. (X official handle of biden)

The power of Kamala Harris
Speaking Skills – Harris is known for her strong communication skills, which will not only help her connect effectively with people but also articulate the Democratic Party’s vision clearly. Her wit and ability to respond to challenges make her a compelling speaker.

Diverse background – As the first woman, first Black American, and first South Asian American vice president, Harris has become an important icon in American politics. The diversity of her background increases her appeal within the Democratic base.

Political Experience- Harris has a strong political background, having served as California’s Attorney General and US Senator. She has both acumen and experience. She has a solid understanding of both state and federal issues. She has worked extensively on criminal justice reform and health care.

Support from party leaders- His support for the candidature is growing rapidly within the party. Money is also being raised rapidly for the election campaign. His position in the party is much stronger than other contenders.

The issues that made a mark – Harris has been a strong advocate for issues such as abortion rights and workers’ rights. She is a progressive.

What are the weaknesses
Compatibility Rating – Harris’s favorability rating is currently low.

Perception about achievements – Critics argue that Harris has not established a strong record of accomplishments during her term as vice president. This perception could undermine her credibility.

Swing Voter Appeal – There are concerns about his ability to connect with swing voters.

Unifying the party As the Democratic Party faces internal divisions, Harris’ ability to unite various factions within the party will also be tested.

Trump often contradicts his own statements and strays from the issues, which is his weakness that makes it difficult for his own team to handle it. (AP)

The Power of Donald Trump
Strong Branding- Trump has built a strong personal brand over the years through his business and media presence, which gives him a certain identity and appeal to a certain segment of voters.

Authenticity – Trump is known for speaking his mind directly, which some see as a strength because it makes him appear more authentic and outspoken than other politicians.

Dedicated Base – Trump has a dedicated base of supporters who are extremely loyal to him. He has shown a strong ability to energize and activate his base in elections.

Strength on key issues – Trump is considered by his supporters to be strong on issues such as immigration, the economy and crime.

Trump’s weaknesses
Negative Rating – Trump’s negative ratings are very high among independents and Democrats, which will make it difficult for him to expand his base.

Those who spread hatred- Trump’s fiery personality and divisive rhetoric turned off many voters across the country, especially urban and educated women.

Legal problems – Trump is facing lawsuits in many cases. This has also had an adverse effect on his image.

lack of discipline – Lack of discipline and straying from his own views on issues. Sometimes it becomes difficult even for his team to handle this.

Tags: Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, US Presidential Election 2024

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