If you want to bring glow on your face, then apply these fruits on your face along with eating, pimples and acne will be gone-want-to-glow-on-face-apply-these-fruits-on-face-you-will-get-rid-of-pimples-and-acne

Jaipur. There are many types of beauty products available in the market to enhance the beauty of the face. Skin specialist doctors recommend using fruits to bring glow on the face. The vitamins and mineral salts found in fruits nourish the face and provide relief from blemishes, spots and acne. Nursing officer Mukesh Lora said that apart from eating fruits, they can also be used to enhance the beauty of the face, this will bring the freshness of fruits on the face.

Use these fruits for facial beauty

Banana: Banana provides beauty to the face in every way. Drinking banana shake mixed with honey brings glow on the face. Mashing the pulp of ripe banana and applying it on the face tightens the skin and reduces the spots that appear on the face with age. Applying rose water and honey mixed with banana reduces dryness of the face. Applying banana pulp on pimples makes a lot of difference.

Orange: This is such a fruit whose peel and pulp both are very good for the face. Rubbing orange pulp on the face clears the dirt accumulated on the skin. Dry the orange peels and make a powder of it. Mix wheat bran and milk in it and apply it on the face. After drying for 15-20 minutes, wash the face with cold water, this will brighten the skin.

Apple: Apart from making the mind sharp, the use of apple also keeps the face fresh. Peel a few pieces of apple and grind them and mix them with milk to make a paste. Gently rub this paste on the face. By applying this for a week or ten days, the pimples on the face will start reducing.

Papitaḥ Papaya is a great scrub for the face. The enzymes present in it keep our dead skin cells soft and clean. Applying papaya pulp mixed with honey reduces pimples and black spots on the face to a great extent.

Mangoes Mango keeps the face young forever. Due to the presence of vitamin A in it, it works as a tonic for the face. Mango juice should be extracted and mixed with half the quantity of milk, a little dry ginger powder and a spoon of ghee and drunk. If used for one to two months, a different kind of glow comes on the face. Mix a pinch of turmeric in mango pulp and rub it on the face, this reduces the spots and freckles on the face to a great extent.

Lemon and Pomegranate: Lemon contains vitamin C which removes toxins from the skin. Lemon can remove facial blemishes, acne, black spots. Apart from this, the anti-oxidants present in pomegranate seeds protect our skin from damage caused by ultraviolet and ultraviolet-B.

Tags: Health, Life18, Local18, Rajasthan news

Disclaimer: The medicine/drug and health related advice given in this news is based on conversations with experts. This is general information, not personal advice. Therefore, use anything only after consulting doctors. Local-18 will not be responsible for any harm caused by its use.

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