Infiesto review spanish film infiesto tries to encash the covid outbreak unsuccessfully - Infiesto Film Review: Spanish film unsuccessfully tries to cash in on covid

New Delhi. Covid came to humans as a strange disease which not only endangered their existence but also changed the entire thinking of people. This disease has now made uncertainty a part of life. If a serial killer track is inserted in a story set in the early days of Covid, it does not seem that there will be any novelty in the story because two negatives cannot give birth to a positive. This is the fate of the Spanish film Infiestos. Infiestos is a word used for plague but now it can be used for any infection.

Story of the film
In Infiestos, Samuel Garcia (Izaac Ferriz) and Marta Castro (Iria del Río) get hold of a serial killer case on the first day of the COVID lockdown. While investigating the case, they visit many places and meet many people, and interrogate them. The two detectives raid many places, drive around to different places and try to solve the case. Samuel’s mother and Marta’s boyfriend are in isolation due to COVID, but the two detectives keep trying to solve the case wearing only masks and without gloves. About 75% of the film passes by doing this. Then the mystery is solved. The film ends.

the story of a serial killer
From a common viewer’s point of view, this is the story of a serial killer. The location, the pace of the story, the getup of the detectives, the music, the camera angles…all these things create the atmosphere to a great extent. David Fincher’s film Seven also had a similar plot of serial killing, and it is natural to remember it after watching Infiestos because a lot of things seem to have been borrowed from there, especially the pace, camera angles and shots. It is difficult to understand why this Covid angle has been taken in Infiestos. Could this story have been made without this disease or lockdown, absolutely. If both the lead characters needed a backstory, no. Technical mistakes could have been ignored, no. Then how do both the detectives get into Demon’s truck wearing masks but not gloves? In some investigation, even the masks are missing. In the police station, more than half the people are roaming around without masks. Covid had no use at all. As far as I understand, no crime scene can be investigated without gloves, then why this kindness?

feel cheated here
The pace of Infiestos is slow and like any serial killer film, some evidence is found every now and then. The locations are good, but quite depressing. How did COVID reach the forest, river, mountain areas, can become a subject of research. The end of the film should have been scary and should have revealed a big mystery and the detective duo should have worked hard to reach the real killer and solve the mystery. Unfortunately, nothing like this happens. The story moves forward at a slow pace, scene by scene and then ends. The audience feels cheated. It is better to avoid the film.

Tags: Entertainment news., Netflix india, Web Series

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