Men fall in love with a woman as soon as they see her, but as soon as the 'secret' is revealed, they disappear!

Who doesn’t like beauty? Every boy wants to have a beautiful girlfriend with whom he can go out. Go on long drives holding hands. Eat in a restaurant. Girls also look for such boyfriends who not only look beautiful but also support them at every turn. In such a situation, if we find such a partner, then love at first sight is inevitable. It is believed that usually to impress someone at first sight, his looks are enough. Today we are going to tell you about a woman whom men die for on seeing.

The woman’s name is Princess April. Her looks are so killer and classy that most men are ready to do anything to go on a date with her. It is a different matter that after going on a date, one thing is known about that woman, after knowing which no one wants to return to her again. The story of this woman is becoming very viral on social media. The woman has a lot of followers from TikTok to Instagram. Princess April, this woman attracts people with her hot pictures on social media every day. Sometimes in a bikini, sometimes in a short dress, people fall in love with every style. They comment a lot on the pictures and shower love.

April’s popularity can be gauged from the fact that more than 1 lakh 96 thousand people follow her on Instagram. A few days ago, April told people about a strange incident. Sharing her story, April said that she gets attention from many men, but very few of them stick with her. She also told the reason for this. This beautiful woman told that people like her looks a lot on social media. Seeing the pictures, many men are ready to fall at her feet for dating. But as soon as she tells people her real age, they often back off. Actually, this woman named Princess April is 46 years old. But she barely looks 25-30. April, who has shared a video related to her age on Instagram and TikTok, has said that ‘men like me until I tell them my real age’. This video of her is still going viral.

When we checked, we found that Princess April uploaded this video in the year 2022. Then foreign sites also reported on it. But it is still going viral. From TikTok, X to Instagram, her video has been viewed about 30 million times. Most people are not believing her words to be true. They are surprised to know the age of the woman. One user has written that age does not matter. Those who left you because of age, I do not think they were men. Another user wrote that according to me, heart matters, not age. But another user has commented that age can become a problem in taking any relationship forward, that too when you want to expand your family.

Tags: Amazing and wonderful, The news has hit the, OMG News, Shocking news

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