Mossad means the death of Israel's enemies, be it land or sky... it causes total destruction, how dangerous is it?


Mig 21 was hijacked by MossadHe does not hesitate to use honey trapIsraeli agency is also called ‘killing machine’

Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad is considered to be the world’s most dangerous spying organization. It is not just an organization that gathers information, it also kills its enemies. Rather, it can be said that after targeting someone, it is not satisfied until it kills them. This is why it is also called the ‘killing machine’ of the world of espionage. Mossad’s latest target is Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, but even before this, it has gone beyond the borders of its country and killed many such high profile people who were on its hit list.

The CIA also believes in iron
The American intelligence agency CIA also acknowledges the power of Mossad. Due to the interference of the political leadership of both the countries, there is mostly a situation of cooperation between them. In American films and webseries too, it is often shown that Mossad and CIA work together. Anyway, the interests and goals of both the countries are the same on most issues.

Many deeds remain hidden behind the curtain
Although the world rarely gets to know which deeds were committed by Mossad. Yes, there are some cases about which Mossad wants the world to know that these are its deeds, the world gets to know about such matters.

Killing of Al Mabhouh
Before the murder of Ismail Haniya in a hostile country like Iran, Mossad had killed Mahmoud Al Mabhouh in Dubai in 2010. It is said that Al Mabhouh used to buy and sell weapons for Mossad. Agents of Mossad, called hit squad, made their hideout in the room opposite to Al Mabhouh’s room in the hidden hotel in Dubai. It is said that he was killed by suffocating him with a pillow. It is said that before killing him, Al Mabhouh was also paralyzed by an injection.

wrath of god
Apart from this, the Wrath of God mission of the 70s was a bloody one. The Hindi meaning of the mission’s name is Khuda ka Kahar and indeed Mossad wreaked havoc. However, Palestinians had done very bad things to Israeli players too. Palestinians had killed 11 Israeli players during the Munich Olympics. This massacre was carried out by an organization called Black September. Mossad searched for its leaders across the world and killed them one by one. It is said that after the Munich incident, Mossad was given the responsibility of protecting its citizens across the world. This increased their powers even more.

Iranian nuclear scientist assassinated
Apart from this, one of the recent famous actions of Mossad was the assassination of Iran’s nuclear scientist Brigadier General Mohsin Fakhrizadeh four years ago in 2020. But the most famous feat of Mossad was Operation Thunder Bolt. In fact, Arab terrorists had hijacked a plane full of 94 Israeli citizens. During the talks with the terrorists, Mossad attacked and killed the terrorists and freed its citizens. President Benjamin Netanhu’s brother also lost his life in this battle.

Murder of Nazi Chukrus
Around this time, Mossad killed Latvian Nazi collaborator Herbert Chukarus in Uruguay in 1965. Apart from this, Mossad also used honey trap to bring back its country’s scientist Vanunu and punish him. A woman known as Cindy trapped Vanunu in her love trap and brought him back to Israel.

Hijacking of Mig 21
But if we talk about the astonishing feat of Mossad, then in 1968 it had kidnapped the Mig 21 fighter in order to understand its technology. The CIA had also failed in getting the technology of this aircraft. However, a Mossad agent was also caught in this.

Assassination of Yasser Arafat’s aide
Khalil al-Wazir, a close associate of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, was killed by Mossad agents posing as tourists in Tunisia.

Mossad’s headquarters is in Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel. It was established on 13 December 1949. It was formed by the country’s first Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. From the very beginning, its biggest challenge came from the Palestinians, whom they consider terrorists. Therefore, its training has also been of the same level. For a time, its name was also “Hagana”. Currently, its head is David Barnia. It also uses the world’s most advanced information technology.

Tags: Iran news, Israel

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