Now America will lose its sleep... Putin-Kim Jong joined hands, situation of South Korea and Japan also worsens - Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korea ruler Kim Jong-un inked security pact, bad news for America, Japan, South Korea

Pyongyang (North Korea). America is furious with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s visit to North Korea. Many important agreements have also been signed between Putin and North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un. The most important of these is the security agreement. Under the new security pact, if any third country attacks North Korea or Russia, then Moscow and Pyongyang will help each other. This agreement between Russia and North Korea has not only taken America’s sleep away, but has also increased the worries of Washington’s allies like South Korea and Japan.

Amid growing tensions between both Russia and North Korea with Western countries, Presidents Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong Un have signed a new agreement. This includes a promise of mutual assistance if any of their countries is attacked. However, there is no clarity on what kind of assistance is mentioned in the deal. It has been described only as a ‘comprehensive strategic partnership’. The agreement was signed during Putin’s first visit to Pyongyang in 24 years. North Korea is allegedly providing weapons to Moscow in the war against Ukraine, due to which many Western countries have imposed sanctions against both countries. Russia is also helping North Korea develop its nuclear and missile weapons program.

What did both the leaders say?
According to Russian news agency TASS, Putin said, ‘Russia will not refuse to develop military-technical cooperation with North Korea.’ At the same time, according to RIA Novosti, Kim Jong Un said that the agreement is peaceful and for self-defense. The North Korean leader further said that I have no doubt that it will become a driving force accelerating the creation of a new multipolar world. Russian state media reported that the two countries also signed agreements on cooperation in the field of healthcare, medical education and science.

economic and military agreement
The two-day summit between Putin and Kim Jong Un was aimed at strengthening their economic and military powers to oppose what Putin called ‘illegal’ sanctions against the two countries. Putin thanked Kim Jong Un for North Korea’s support in the war in Ukraine and for being part of the “fight against the imperialist policies of the US and its satellites against the Russian Federation”.

Tags: International news, North Korea, Russia News

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