Onion will be cheaper after holi as new crop arrival will down onion prices consumers happy but farmers sad azadpur mandi delhi - Onion is available very cheap in Delhi's Azadpur Mandi? The commission agent said, this will affect the prices after Holi

Onion: Onion has become an international sensation this time. While onion prices have fallen drastically in India, onion prices are skyrocketing in many countries. In neighboring country Pakistan, onion is being sold not at Rs 40-50 per kg but at more than Rs 250 per kg. People who eat onions are happy due to the low price in the country but the farmers who grow it are in tears. Recently, the news of an onion farmer getting Rs 2 after selling 512 kg of onions in Maharashtra is also surprising. The prices of onion in retail market are also very low this time. Although farmers are definitely unhappy with the fall in onion prices, there is good news for onion consumers and customers that after Holi, onions may become even cheaper and several kilograms of onion can be purchased for Rs 10 in the retail market.

According to the commission agents of Azadpur Mandi, Delhi, this time the arrival of onions is very high. The onion crop has been very good this time. In Azadpur Mandi alone, 50 to 60 trucks of onions are coming daily. 1500 tonnes of onions are coming in these trucks. Which is being consumed in the surrounding areas. Onion is cheap this time but after March 15, onions can become very cheap.

Rajendra, a trader of onion in Azadpur Mandi, says that this time a lot of red onion of Kharif crop is coming to Azadpur Mandi of Delhi. Onions coming from different areas have different prices. The onion coming from the nearest Rajasthan is being sold at the rate of 4-6 rupees per kg. Onion coming from Nasik of Maharashtra, MP, Gujarat is being sold at 8-12 rupees per kg. The most expensive onion at this time is from Pune. Which is going up to 15 rupees per kg in wholesale.

Akhil Gupta, onion trader in Azadpur Mandi, says that onion is already cheap this time, due to which farmers are suffering losses. However, after Holi, after March 15, new onions of Rabi crop are also going to arrive, whose quality is very good and it does not spoil quickly. In such a situation, new onions will come in the market, and on top of this, the stock of red onions being sold right now will be removed quickly, so the price of onion will fall.

What comes after Holi is Garba onion, which is stored. Garba onion is the best, it does not spoil quickly. That is why it lasts for many months. It is used from March to September-October. However, in the meantime, an onion also comes during the rains but it gets spoiled quickly.

Arhatiya Akhil and Rajendra say that farmers are not getting the right price for onions. Customers are benefiting from high onion arrivals and low prices but farmers are suffering losses. The country’s onion production is high but the export ban to Bangladesh etc. from February 15 has also affected it. The consumption of onions in the country is low. At the same time, the new onion production is also expected to be bumper. In such a situation, onions will remain cheap in the coming months.

Tags: Onion new rate, Onion Price

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