Subramaniam Stadium located at Gandhi Maidan in Gaya city

Report-Kundan Kumar
Went. In our country, every small or big stadium is known by the name of some leader, great man or big player. But in Bihar, there is a stadium named after an officer. This stadium is in Gaya city. This is Subramaniam Stadium. It is named after former DM of Gaya, Harihar Subramaniam.

There is a reason behind naming the stadium after Subramaniam. There was no stadium in Gaya. The young players of the city used to play by putting tin sheets. Then in 1974-75, the then DM took the initiative to build a stadium. Due to his efforts, the government sanctioned money and the stadium was built. Since then, many players have made a name for themselves at the national level by playing here.

Famous players here
The local people and players were so happy that they passed a resolution to name the stadium built on the initiative of DM Harihar Subramaniam after him. The stadium was named HH Subramaniam Stadium after the DM. In those days, many players emerged from this stadium who made their mark at the national level. The famous goalkeeper here was Shakeel Ahmed who played for the Electricity Board. He also played for the Indian team and did goalkeeping for Mohammedan Sporting. Apart from him, Madhu, Manu, Syed Shabuddin, Manoj Chaurasia have been the captains of Bihar, players like Ashok Singh, Anwar Alam, Rafiuddin, Wajiuddin emerged from Gaya and left a different mark.

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Many cricketers played here
Apart from this, current Ranji player Mangal Mahoror, Bihar cricket team captain Ashutosh Aman, Vijay Hazare Trophy player Niku Singh, Subhash Sharma etc. have played in this stadium. For the last many years, the stadium is crying over its poor condition. Sports related facilities are missing for the players. The boundary wall has broken at many places. The spectator gallery is falling apart. Gaya DM has assured to renovate this stadium.

DM has become immortal
Moti Karimi, secretary of Gaya District Athletic Association, says that this is probably the first stadium in Bihar which is named after an official. This stadium was built during 1974-75 on the initiative of the then DM HH Subramaniam and later the committee passed a resolution to name this stadium after him. Many players have come out from here and played for Bihar state and India 11.

Tags: Gaya latest news, Sports news

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