The seeds of this fruit are magical! They cure many diseases and also keep the skin clean

Dehradun: You must have often seen people talking about the benefits of fruits. But today we will tell you not about the fruit, but about the benefits of the seed that comes out from inside it. We are talking about peach seeds. Making powder of peach seeds and consuming it provides relief. On the other hand, if someone has ear pain, then applying its oil will provide relief. Many vitamins and minerals are found in the peach seed which provide many health benefits.

benefits of peach seeds

Giving information, Siraj Siddiqui, Ayurvedic doctor of Dehradun, said that peach is considered a good source of vitamin C. At the same time, it has countless benefits. Similarly, its seeds are also very beneficial. Powder of these seeds is available in the market. Many researches have been done on this. Many minerals are found in it. A good amount of iron, zinc, potassium and sodium is found in the seeds. Apart from vitamins, many special types of fatty acids are found in it. This is such a natural medicine, which contains vitamin B17. A good amount of carbohydrates and protein is also found in it, which gives energy to the body.

can cure many diseases

Dr. Siraj told that peach seeds work like a pain killer. Because it promotes pain relief management. It is very beneficial for women who have stomach pain or cramps during periods. Apart from this, it works as an immunity booster. Consuming it in small quantities gives you the ability to avoid cold, cough and flu. Apart from this, it is used as a memory booster. It also cures people who have skin related problems.

How and who can use it

Dr. Siraj Siddiqui explains that peach seeds can be dried and powdered and then used. It is also available in the market. Amik telnic chemical is found in it, which can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Therefore, it should not be used too much. Small children and pregnant women should avoid consuming it. One should not consume more than a quarter of a teaspoon of it.

Tags: Dehradun news, Health tips, Local18

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