There were 15 women in the house, 5-5 were sleeping together in one room, when the team arrived to remove the termites from the bed, everyone was shocked

New Delhi: A shocking case of human trafficking has come to light. The mastermind behind this human trafficking is a couple. The couple had imprisoned 15 women in their house. The couple used to make these women do bonded labour in their tech company. But one mistake of theirs exposed the whole secret. The couple is now behind prison bars. Actually, this case is from Texas, America. The US Federal Police has arrested 4 people including the couple on charges of running a human trafficking racket. All four accused are from India. Three of them are Telugu speaking.

what is the whole matter
First of all, let’s know the names of these four. The names of the four arrested by the police are – Santosh Katkuri (31), his wife Dwarka Gunda, Daisy Reddy Chandan (24) and Anil Male (37). Now let’s understand what the whole matter is. Actually, 15 women were kept captive in the house of accused Santosh Katkuri. These women used to do bonded labour as programmers in his company. Once Santosh’s bed was infested with termites. A team had reached his house to remove the termites from the bed. When the company’s team reached the accused’s house for pest control, they were shocked to see the scene there. The team saw that five women were sleeping on the floor in each room.

How the racket was busted
The pest control team found this scene a bit strange. They suspected something amiss. Seeing this scene, the termite removal team quietly went back. They informed the police about this. After getting the information, when the police team reached the spot to raid, they too were shocked. The police saw that there were five women in each room. Police investigation revealed that all these women worked as programmers in Santosh’s company like bonded labourers. His wife was also supporting them in this. He had formed a company with his wife.

15 What Women Used to Do
The police said in its statement, ‘In our investigation, it was found that these imprisoned women were forced to work as programmers in fake companies owned by Santosh Katkori and his wife Dwarka.’ In the raid, the police found laptops, cellphones, printers and many fake documents.

There is a case of human trafficking
This incident is from the month of March. But the police has now issued an official statement. Santosh had called a termite removal company to his house in March itself. At that time, the team had informed the police about it. Since then, the police is investigating this case. The police says that this is a human trafficking racket. Three more people may be involved in this. However, till now it is not known about those women, where they came from and which country. The police is investigating the electronic gadgets to solve this mystery. The police has filed a case of trafficking against the accused.

Tags: Human trafficking, Human Trafficking Case, US News, World news

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