Trump Attack: Who took responsibility for the attack on Donald Trump, who is NRF? Viral video causes panic - donald trump attack terrorist outfit nrf took responsibility know how dangerous it is

New Delhi. Former US President Donald Trump has been attacked in Pennsylvania. Republican Party leader and strong presidential candidate Trump was injured in this murderous attack. In pictures and videos, blood is seen flowing from his ear. The attempt to assassinate Trump, one of the influential leaders of the world’s most powerful country, America, has shaken the world. Now a terrorist organization of Afghanistan has taken responsibility for this attack. A person who claimed himself to be the commander of the Afghan terrorist organization NRF (National Resistance Force) has released a video and taken responsibility for the attack on Trump.

The terrorist organization NRF active in Afghanistan has claimed responsibility for the attack on Donald Trump. A video of this has been released by NRF, which is viral on social media. In this, a person claiming himself to be the commander of NRF is claiming responsibility for the attack on Trump. It can be seen in the video that another masked person is sitting with him. Both are holding deadly weapons in their hands. In the video, this person is claiming himself to be the commander of NRF, Rais Ajmal.

Look, he is a shooter…yet why was no action taken 7 minutes earlier? Was there a traitor in Trump’s security team?

On whose instructions was the attack carried out?
In this video, Rais Ajmal, who claimed to be the commander of NRF, also named the person on whose orders Donald Trump was attacked. Ajmal said that former US President Trump was attacked on the orders of NRF leader Ahmed Masood. The alleged commander of the anti-Taliban resistance group further said that he will now target President Joe Biden and other Americans.

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