07 negative things in Trump's speeches, why it is said that he spreads hatred, why he called India dirty


Recently he made racist and derogatory comments about Kamala HarrisFrom Asians to Africans and Mexicans, everyone was declared rapist and criminalHe has also been accused of making derogatory comments about women and making false claims

Former US President Donald Trump has been accused of spreading hatred for voting. He has also been accused that the way he and his supporters are creating an environment in the elections has divided America, created hatred among people. Trump may be surrounded by cases ranging from indecency towards women to financial irregularities, but his latest speeches have again been racist, making wrong comments against women and accusing people from countries from Asia to Africa of coming to America and committing rape and crime. He had once called India dirty in a comment related to the environment.

Recently, when he was fired, it seemed that he would now be a little more restrained in his speeches and would not say things that spread hatred, but as Kamala Harris is emerging as a strong Democratic candidate, Trump has started making controversial comments on Kamala Harris and the people of Asian countries as well as women.

  1. Racial comments on Kamala Harris
    Donald Trump’s comments about Kamala Harris and her racial identity have sparked controversy. During an appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) conference, Trump questioned whether Harris identified as Indian or black, saying, “Is she Indian or is she black? She was Indian in every way, suddenly she became a black person.” His statement was openly described as racist by many commentators and political figures.

    Donald Trump recently made racist comments about Kamala Harris (file photo)

Harris called Trump’s comments “divisive and insulting”. Reiterating her pride in her dual heritage, she said, “I am black and I am proud of it.” Even people from Donald Trump’s Republican Party called his comments shameful. However, through his speech, Trump wants to divide people in America on the basis of race and identity. Such comments of his have intensified the debate about this in America.

2. Controversial and derogatory comments about women
Trump has a long history of doing this. In 2015, he tweeted at Hillary Clinton, “If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband, what makes her think she can satisfy America?” The comment was seen as a sexist attack on Clinton’s marital status and personal life. He ridiculed the face of a female politician.
Trump publicly shamed former Miss Universe Machado for gaining weight. Trump has made a number of comments about women in general, including that they are inherently smarter and less capable. He said, “You have to treat them like dirt.” He claimed that women are “far worse, far more aggressive than men.” He said this in his book The Art of the Comeback.
Not only this, Trump has made many comments about women from time to time. Which reflects a broad pattern of his behavior. Which shows that he disrespects women.

Trump has also been accused of being derogatory and belittling to women. (AFP)

3. Hateful statements against immigrants, including Asians
Just a day before, in his election speech, Trump said that people coming to America from Asia and Africa commit rape and crimes after coming to America. He said about Mexican immigrants that they are “drug bringers” and “rapists”. This is causing resentment against them in various communities and organizations.

4. Making false claims
Trump has been accused of making false claims throughout his campaign, particularly about the credibility of elections. His claims that the 2020 election was “rigged” have been widely debunked but have nonetheless fueled public distrust in the electoral process. His rhetoric and false claims not only undermine democratic institutions but also raise questions about the legitimacy of future elections.

5. Make aggressive attacks on the media and opponents
Trump often targets the media and political opponents with aggressive language. This has increased the hostile political environment in the country. He is quick to call coverage against him “fake news”. His words and attitude have further polarized the public. It has also reduced the role of free press in democracy.

6. Negative political speech
Research shows that political speech in the US has become more negative since the rise of Trump. His campaign style is typically filled with personal attacks and derogatory comments about rivals. This has led to a more confrontational and less civil political environment.

7. Weakened voting rights
Trump’s administration and campaign strategies have led to a trend of voter suppression, particularly among marginalized communities. The Boys Army and its supporters have been accused of intimidating voters and manipulating electoral processes. This may raise concerns about the future of voting rights in the US.

Some controversial comments by Donald Trump
“When Mexico sends its people, there are people who have a lot of problems. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists and some, I think, are good people.” These comments about Mexican immigrants were widely criticized as racist and inflammatory.

Look at China, it’s so dirty. Look at Russia. Look at India. It’s dirty. The air is dirty.” Trump made these comments while criticizing the Paris Climate Agreement.

“I think the only card he has is the woman’s card. There’s nothing else.” Trump made this statement about Hillary Clinton during the 2016 elections.

Tags: Donald Trump, Donald Trump supporters, Kamala Harris, US Presidential Election 2024

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