AIIMS has made a great plan to eliminate diabetes, even in remote villages, treatment will be done with AIIMS software, the method of treatment will change

AIIMS diabetes software: About 10 crore people in India have diabetes. Most of these people do not get treatment for diabetes while most of the people do not even know that they have diabetes. Both these conditions are very bad because if diabetes is not treated, it slowly starts damaging the kidneys, eyes, nerves etc. In view of this, the All India Institute of Medical Sciences has developed a software with the help of which people living in remote areas can get treatment for diabetes. For this, you do not need to come to AIIMS but you have to go to any small government or private hospital nearby. After this, the staff there will feed your report in the software and immediately after that your prescription will be issued.

How this software works
People who already have diabetes will have to go to the local level healthcare center nearby. After this, your test reports such as blood pressure, sugar level, cholesterol etc. will be fed into that software. Apart from this, some more information will be taken from you and fed into the software. Then that software will give you a prescription in a few seconds, in which it will be written how much medicine you have to take and how many times. AIIMS has been using this software for the last 10 years. As a study, AIIMS has treated 1100 people so far. The efficacy of this software has been very high, so now there is a plan to implement it in the whole country. Dr. Nikhil Tandon, head of the Endocrinology Department of AIIMS, said that under the Center for Cardiovascular Risk Reduction in South Asia (CARRS), a study was conducted for 10 years by including type 2 diabetes patients. He said that this software can be operated by anyone who can operate a computer. Currently, such CDSS is being operated through nurses in Punjab.

Other risks due to diabetes will be reduced
Dr. Nikhil Tandon, Head of Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism at AIIMS, told that this study is going on in low and middle income countries like India and Pakistan. This software is capable of treating diabetes, blood pressure and high cholesterol. With the help of this software, we will be able to reduce the risk of kidney, eye and nervous system diseases caused by diabetes. According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research, 10.01 crore people in the country are suffering from diabetes. This tool can prove to be very effective for all of them. The research team has suggested that this program should be run across the country and its data should be saved as electronic health records. Dr. Tandon told that initially we observed patients of diabetes as well as high blood pressure and cholesterol for two and a half years and treated them in the same way. With the help of this software, we have been able to control other risks due to these diseases in these people by 200 percent. Dr. Tandon said that due to this initiative regarding diabetes, there has been a 30 percent reduction in diabetes patients.

Where was the study done
This study started in January 2011 and was completed in September 2019. Patients from 10 cities including Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Chennai, Goa were included in the study. Half of them were on their old treatment and half were treated through this technique. They were followed up for six and a half years in which it was found that the patient’s sugar level, blood pressure and LDL cholesterol remained under control. It has been included in the National Health Program of the Central Government and in future every kind of help will be provided to implement it in the states.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle

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