By 2050, half the world will have poor eyesight, this disease is spreading rapidly among children, this study will scare you

Cases of myopia is rising in children: Myopia has become an epidemic among school-going children around the world. According to experts, cases of this disease are increasing in children due to playing indoors and using screens for a long time. In nearsightedness, nearby objects are clearly visible while there is difficulty in seeing distant objects. Cases of nearsightedness in children have been increasing in the last few decades.

The Lancet A study published in 2010 estimated that by 2050, nearly half the world’s population could suffer from the disease, up from 28 percent in 2010. The rate is particularly high in Asia, where 90 percent of children and adults are affected.

Why is myopia increasing in children?
In the digital age, children are spending more time on computer, tablet and smartphone screens, which has increased the risk of nearsightedness in children. A study published in the British Journal of Ophthalmology says that children who spend more time on screens have a higher risk of developing nearsightedness.

Myopia can lead to serious illness
Some experts believe that genes also play a role in this disease. There is a high possibility of this disease being passed on from parents to children. However, in the present times, the environment can also be the cause. The increase in nearsightedness can lead to more serious eye health problems in the future. This disease increases the risk of retinal detachment, glaucoma and cataracts.

How to protect your eyes?
Children should be encouraged to use their glasses at all times as this reduces strain on the eye muscles and eye fatigue.

Spend time outside- Studies have shown that playing outside in natural light and looking into the distance is a great way to improve nearsightedness. Always try to have your child play outside for at least two hours a day.

Do not do this work for a long time- Any near activity – be it reading or watching a screen… should be done with breaks and at an adequate distance from the eyes. Schedule your child to take a break every 20-30 minutes during near activity and focus on a distant object for a few seconds or minutes. Avoid doing near activity continuously for more than a quarter of an hour. Also, ensure that any near activity is not done at a distance less than 33 cm from the eyes.

Use atropine eye drops- The eye specialist may prescribe some specially formulated eye drops that are now being used to prevent the progression of myopia. These are eye drops of diluted atropine, a medicine used to dilate the pupils and relax the eye muscles. This should be applied to the eyes every night at bedtime during the child’s growing years. (With inputs from IANS)

Tags: Health, Lifestyle, New Study

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