Kyrgyzstan Violence: 'Ma'am, local boys are beating us outside, the landlord is not letting us stay in the room'.. the story of Indians trapped in Kyrgyzstan

New Delhi (Kyrgyzstan Violence against International Students)Thousands of foreign students studying in medical colleges of Kyrgyzstan are stranded. They are not able to come out of their hostels or flats. Local young boys of Kyrgyzstan are standing right outside their hostels and flats waiting for them to come out. We talked to many boys from Kyrgyzstan who are pursuing MBBS. They are very scared and want to come to India as soon as possible.

Riots are raging in Kyrgyzstan. The situation there can be gauged by watching the video. Children are once again in lockdown without any reason. Their problem is bigger than any disease. They are stranded thousands of kilometers away from their homes. They are in the midst of a war in which they have no role. The condition of those students who are living in a room near the college is more pathetic than those living in hostels. You too read the stories of the children there-

Read this also- Indian students trapped in Kyrgyzstan violence, appealed for help, there is danger even in leaving the hostel

Anyone can enter the flat- Praveen Prajapati
‘Ma’am, I am from Ujjain in Madhya Pradesh. I am pursuing MBBS from Asian Medical Institute of Kyrgyzstan. I am very scared right now and want to come to India. A few days ago, there was some issue between Pakistani students and local students of Kyrgyzstan. After that, 3-4 local students came to the hostel to beat them. The locals went live on Instagram saying that these students were harassing them. After this, first the hostels and then the foreign students (who are also from outside Kyrgyzstan) started getting attacked. I live in a flat. There is no security in the building. Anyone can come at any time. 3 more Indian students live with me. We are all hoping for rescue. We have been forbidden to go out and we ourselves are very scared. But for how many days will we remain locked inside. Two days ago, when a friend went out, his phone was snatched. Local students keep standing outside the flat (mostly aged 18-25)’.

Violence in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students Attacked in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students target at Bishkek, Praveen Prajapati

Praveen Prajapati (left), Mahipal (right) from Rajasthan

Locals are getting the room vacated- Lakshya Yadav
I am from Alwar district of Rajasthan. I am pursuing MBBS from Asian Medical Institute of Kyrgyzstan. This is my 7th semester. All colleges have been closed on government orders. Our classes will be in online mode for a week. After that we will have to go to college. The atmosphere here is very bad since May 18. There is no security in the building where I live. Sometimes people stand at the door even at night, due to which we are all scared. The college administration had sent groceries and we also have some stuff in storage, right now we are managing with that. Local teachers are helping but no help is reaching some students. I had contacted the embassy. We have formed some groups. Regular updates are being received there. Videos of different hostels and flats are being shared. Many landlords are asking the children to vacate the flats. Where should we go in this situation? We want to come to India but right now the flight is at double the rate. We cannot afford it.

Violence in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students Attacked in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students target at Bishkek

Kyrgyzstan’s famous Asian Medical Institute

More than 3 thousand Indian students are stranded – Rohit Panchal
My name is Rohit Panchal and I am from Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh. I am pursuing MBBS from Asian Medical Institute located in Kant, Kyrgyzstan. I have been living here since 2022. There was a fight between local youth and foreign students here. Earlier, the video of the fight with the Egyptians went viral. After that, on May 18, local youth harassed foreign students in Bishkek, the capital of Kyrgyzstan. They also beat them up after entering the hostel. Kant is about 20 km from Bishkek. Seniors are telling that they are being asked to vacate the flats. We have not come out for 4 days, there is a lot of danger. Local teachers are very supportive. They are helping completely. But the behavior of the rest of the local residents was not very good from the beginning. We also have to face the language barrier. The embassy has given the helpline number. The Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh has been spoken to. We have been ordered to stay inside. The college staff is connected to us.

Violence in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students Attacked in Kyrgyzstan, Indian Students target at Bishkek, Rohit Panchal

Rohit Panchal

We have written the words of these children as they are. Along with them, their families are also very worried. The families want to call their children to India as soon as possible. They are ready to pay any price for this. But how will the children reach the airport? Even if they reach there, there is no arrangement for a direct flight. If the students are to be believed, there are about 30 thousand Indian students in Kyrgyzstan at present. Out of them, 3 thousand are doing MBBS only from Asian Medical Institute.

read this also

Kyrgyzstan Violence: Indian students trapped in Kyrgyzstan violence, appealed for help, there is danger even in leaving the hostel

Tags: Abroad Education, Foreign university, MBBS student, Medical Students

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