The woman does not speak words but 'tastes' them, the disease is strange, as soon as she says something, the 'taste' comes in her mouth!

You must have heard and known about different types of people in the world. Some people like one thing and some like another. There are many people who have some diseases which seem very unique. When one such woman told about her strange condition, those who knew her could not believe that such a thing could happen.

A woman named Sarah Gann has a different kind of disease. While people express themselves by speaking words, every word tastes different in Sarah’s mouth. The woman claims that due to a condition in her brain, whatever she says, a different taste related to it comes in her mouth.

A woman can ‘taste’ the words
30-year-old Sarah Gann is a primary teacher by profession. She says that her brain is suffering from a different disorder due to which she identifies every word with a different taste. Even the name of her 27-year-old boyfriend Jacob Clayton tastes like paper to her. As soon as she hears or sees the word ‘blue’, it tastes like chocolate and ‘concrete’ tastes like a biscuit dipped in milk. Similarly, different words make her taste things like milk, chocolate milk, fruit jelly.

What is this disease after all?
Sarah, who lives in Arkansas, America, is a mother of two children. She says that she could taste words since childhood. This condition is called synesthesia, which is a neurological disorder. Due to this, a person’s brain associates words with taste and hearing or seeing different words leads to feeling different tastes.

Tags: Ajab Gajab, Bizarre news, Weird news

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