DHS said on rising corona cases in Chandigarh – OPD may have to be closed. If cases increase, tele-consultancy is the only option, DHS bid on increasing corona cases in Chandigarh; Said- OPD may have to be closed

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  • If Cases Increase, Tele consultancy Is The Only Option, DHS Bid On Increasing Corona Cases In Chandigarh; Said OPD May Have To Be Closed

ChandigarhOne hour ago

A young man getting the corona vaccine. (file photo)

Corona cases are increasing continuously in Chandigarh and OPD patients are reaching hospitals in thousands. Dr. Suman Singh, Director Health Services (DHS) at GMSH-16 has said that if the cases continue to increase like this, then again the physical OPD may have to be closed. In such a situation, patients will have to be seen through tele-consultancy. Even before this, the administration had closed the physical OPD in the city.

In PGI too, only a limited number of patients were being seen in the physical OPD. DHAS said that in their GMSH-16, more than 2 thousand patients are coming daily to show themselves in the OPD. In such a situation, if corona cases increase, then seeing so many patients can prove to be dangerous. If a decision is taken to keep the OPD closed, the focus will be on tele-consultancy.

DHS said that the situation is being monitored. Kovid testing is being done regularly for OPD patients. This shows the trend of Kovid cases whether they are decreasing or increasing. Earlier the cases were very less, but since April, the cases are increasing continuously. At the same time, he said that the cases will be monitored in the coming few more days. At the same time people are not following the corona rules.

Health workers taking samples of a suspected corona patient.  (file photo)

Health workers taking samples of a suspected corona patient. (file photo)

Only Omicron now, not XE new variant

DHS said that the corona is still Omicron in genome sequencing. So there is no serious danger right now. Whereas, 100% vaccination of adults has been completed. Vaccination of children continues. He urged the parents of the children to get their children vaccinated. About 60 percent of the children are yet to be vaccinated. On the other hand, if vaccination is due, then definitely get it done. If the cases are increasing then it is also important to be careful. Corona can be avoided by doing this. The reason why the cases are increasing all of a sudden cannot be given. There is no information about why the cases increased even in the last corona wave.

Kovid beds are fully prepared in the hospitals of the city.  (file photo)

Kovid beds are fully prepared in the hospitals of the city. (file photo)

Patients being monitored

He said that the health department teams keep in touch through phone with the patients in whom Kovid is being found. They are monitored. The control room is open 24 hours a day in the hospital. In such a situation, any patient can get the solution of the problem over the phone. On the other hand, if a corona patient does not have a place to isolate at home, then after taking stock, the health department team takes him to the hospital if needed.

Corona medicine is changing according to the variant

DHS said that with the change in the variant of the corona, the medicine has also changed. The Delta variant was more dangerous. Another medicine was being given to him. Now Omicron is not that serious. So the medicine has been changed. At the same time, about the fourth wave of Corona in the city, he said that when the cases exceed 6 percent, then it can be called Corona wave. At present there is no fourth wave in the city. All three hospitals including PGI have RT PCR testing facilities. There is more testing facility in PGI and GMCH-32. In this way the samples are shared.

corona status

So far 92,808 cases of corona have been reported in the city. Of these, 91,405 people have been cured. In the last about two and a half years, 1,165 people affected by Corona have died. In the last one week, 34 new cases are coming daily. The positivity rate for the last seven days has come down to 2.93. The active cases of corona in Chandigarh have gone up to 238. In the 14 days of June itself, 369 cases have come. There were 48 new cases on Tuesday.

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