Arvind Kejriwal's response to PM Modi's 'Revdy Culture' statement, said- It is necessary to give free and good education to children. CM Kejriwal's rebuttal to PM Modi's statement on Revdy Culture, providing free and good education to children

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that giving free and good education to the children of our country and giving good and free treatment to the people is not called distributing Revdi for free.

Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwale (CM Arvind Kejriwal) held a press conference and PM Modi (PM MODI)’s statement of distributing free Revods. Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal said that giving free and good education to the children of our country and giving good and free treatment to people is not called distribution of free medicine. You lay the foundation of a developed and proud India. This work should have been done 75 years ago.

CM Kejriwal hit out at the BJP government and said that if we have given 200-300 units of free electricity to poor people then there is a big problem, while your leaders also get free electricity. CM Kejriwal asked whether the Delhi government is doing anything wrong by teaching yoga to 17 thousand people for free. He said that the AAP government is giving free travel to women, what is the government doing wrong in this. Even after this people are misbehaving with us.

What crime am I committing by giving free good education

Arvind Kejriwal said that allegations are being leveled against me that Kejriwal is distributing Revdis for free, I am being mistreated and I want to ask people what mistakes I am doing. With 18 lakh children studying in Delhi’s government schools, their futures were bleak at first. Am I committing a crime by giving them free good education? For the first time in 75 years, government schools have recorded more than 99 percent results. 4 lakh children have been admitted to government schools by cutting their names from private schools. Children of poor are eligible for NEET. This work should have been done in 1947-1950. We are laying the foundation of the country, this is not Revdi.

Today, Delhi is the only city in the world where one in 20 million people receive free treatment. Even if there is an operation cost of 50 lakhs, it is free, is it free Revd. If someone has an accident, no matter how much it costs to take them to the hospital, the government pays the entire cost of their repairs through the Devadoot scheme.

This is the distribution of free Revodies…

CM Kejriwal said that my degree is absolutely genuine, that’s why I understand everything. Referring to the CAG report, CM Kejriwal said that the Delhi budget is running in profit with the coming of AAP government, earlier it was in loss. We have given facilities to our people by eradicating corruption, so what have we done wrong? Attacking the BJP, Delhi CM Kejriwal said that a company took a loan from e-bank, the banks went bankrupt. That company donated a few crore rupees to a political party, after which the government did not take any action on it, this is called distribution of free key revdy.

Kejriwal’s response to PM Modi’s statement

Hitting back at PM Modi’s statement, CM Kejriwal said that you are taking contracts from foreign governments for some of your friends, it is called giving out freebies. He said that AAP government is providing convenience to people by saving money from everything, what is wrong in that. The corrupt give contracts worth thousands of crores to their friends and leaders. These people do not provide facilities to public. This is called distribution of free Revods. This is called corruption.

Aim to provide free education and treatment to every citizen of the country

CM Kejriwal said that he wants to make India the number-1 country. Today other countries have overtaken us and we are lagging behind even though we have everything to be number 1. He said that today AAP government is providing free and good education, good and free treatment in Delhi. His wish is to provide free education and treatment to every citizen of the country. Your government wants to give honest politics to India.

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