The woman married a doll and gave birth to a baby

Mumbai: It is said that a pair is made superior, but the pair made by a woman is being discussed all over the world. Marivon Roca Mores, a 37-year-old woman in Brazil, is married to a doll made of cloth. The doll’s name is Marcelo. The woman married the doll in full custom and then went on a honeymoon with him. Surprisingly, the woman also claimed to have given birth to a child.

Marivon was single and had no boyfriend. Her mother brought a doll home to relieve her loneliness. Mariwon loved the doll so much that he fell in love with it. The couple then got married and invited guests. Marivo complained to her mother at the wedding that she was feeling very lonely when her mother again gave her a small cloth doll.

Many times it has been reported in the media that people fall in love with inanimate objects and this happens because they have a disease called objectophilia. The person suffering from this disease seems to love an inanimate object.
Similar cases have been reported in the United States. Here a guy named Nathiel talked about being in a relationship with his car. He said he also had an affair with his car. Apart from this a similar case was encountered in Germany in which a woman was married to a plane. She slept on the bed with the plane that night.

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