You've never seen such a No Parking sign board, people were shocked to see a viral photo You may have never seen such a No Parking Sign Board people were shocked to see a viral photo

Funny No Parking Sign Board: Sometimes when a stranger parks his car in front of the gate of your house, you will have some problems. Sometimes people park their cars even though there is a no parking sign board. Which also leads to fights.

Jul 06, 2022 | 9:01 PM


| Edited By: Abhigna Maisuria

Jul 06, 2022 | 9:01 PM

Often when a stranger parks his car in front of the gate of your house you will have some trouble.  Sometimes people park their cars despite having a no parking sign board.  Which also leads to fights.  That is why some people put up a no parking sign board which people will think 100 times before parking their car.  Like this sign board, in which it is written that - do not park here, otherwise puncture will be provided.

Often when a stranger parks his car in front of the gate of your house you will have some trouble. Sometimes people park their cars despite having a no parking sign board. Which also leads to fights. That is why some people put up a no parking sign board which people will think 100 times before parking their car. Like this sign board, in which it is written that – do not park here, otherwise puncture will be provided.

This no parking sign board says, don't even think of parking your car here.

This no parking sign board says, don’t even think of parking your car here.

This no parking sign board says, do not park here for 5 minutes, 30 seconds and never.

This no parking sign board says, do not park here for 5 minutes, 30 seconds and never.

This no parking sign board says that this parking is for princesses (girls only).  Stay away from everyone else.

This no parking sign board says that this parking is for princesses (girls only). Stay away from everyone else.

This no parking sign board means that if you park here the vehicle will be lifted.

This no parking sign board means that if you park here the vehicle will be lifted.

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