Indiscriminate disposal of dead cows on the outskirts of Jodhpar Indiscriminate disposal of dead cows on the outskirts of Jodhpar

MorbiAn hour ago

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  • People are outraged by the dumping of carcasses of dead cattle near Machhu-2 Dam

A large number of cows and cattle are falling victim to Lumpy virus which has become a season for milch cattle in Morbi district. As of today, there are more than 1078 weekly cases in the district. So the weekly death toll is around 65. Although according to the herdsmen, a large number of their animals have died, but due to the lack of knowledge, many of the herdsmen have disposed of them themselves. Following the large-scale death of cattle in Morbi district, on the one hand, a feeling of anxiety has spread among the herdsmen, on the other hand, the animal husbandry department is also running. is done

In Morbi district, there has been a complaint that animals caused by Lumpy virus are not properly disposed of. If any animal dies due to Lumpy virus, the responsibility of disposing of those animals lies with the panchayat in rural areas, while in urban areas it is the municipality or municipality. However, in most of the villages of Morbi district, this responsibility is put on the herdsmen. The herdsmen also throw the carcasses in the open in the SIM area and because of this, the dead bodies of cows and cattle start rotting in the open.

A very large number of dead bodies are being disposed of in the open in this way behind Machhu Dam, not far from Jodhpar village near Morbi. There is a large number of cattle carcasses lying at this place, there is no information about where these carcasses come from and who dumped them, thus raising concerns among the herdsmen. Because Machhu 2 Dam is located just a few km away from this place.

In case of death due to lumpy, proper burial is necessary
In case of death of animal due to Lumpy virus, the responsibility of disposing of the dead body lies with the village panchayat, municipality in urban areas, the dead body should be buried in a deep pit properly sprinkled with salt, pesticide in a residential area, water body, where no one else will be disturbed. It is necessary. This causes the dead body to decompose quickly, preventing the possibility of an epidemic. > K. R. Katara, pastoral officer

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