Nobel economics prize 2022: List of winners in past 2 decades | World News

The Nobel economics prize which was established in 1968 to celebrate the Swedish central bank’s 300th anniversary was awarded to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig.

Here is a list of the winners of the Nobel economics prize:


2021: David Card (Canada), Joshua Angrist (Israel-US) and Guido Imbens (US-Netherlands)

2020: Paul Milgrom and Robert Wilson (US)

2019: Abhijit Banerjee (US), Esther Duflo (France-US), Michael Kremer (US)

2018: William Nordhaus (US) and Paul Romer (US)

2017: Richard Thaler (US)

2016: Oliver Hart (Britain-US) and Bengt Holmstrom (Finland)

2015: Angus Deaton (Britain-US)

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2014: Jean Tirole (France)

2013: Eugene Fama, Lars Peter Hansen and Robert Shiller (US)

2012: Alvin Roth and Lloyd Shapley (US)

2011: Thomas Sargent and Christopher Sims (US)

2010: Peter Diamond and Dale Mortensen (US) and Christopher Pissarides (Cyprus-Britain)

2009: Elinor Ostrom and Oliver Williamson (US)

2008: Paul Krugman (US)

2007: Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin and Roger Myerson (US)

2006: Edmund Phelps (US)

2005: Thomas Schelling (US), Robert J. Aumann (US-Israel)

2004: Finn Kydland (Norway), Edward Prescott (US)

2003: Robert Engle (US), Clive Granger (Britain)

2002: Daniel Kahneman (Israel-US) and Vernon Smith (US)

2001: George Akerlof (US), A. Michael Spence (US), Joseph Stiglitz (US)

2000: James Heckman (US), Daniel McFadden (US)

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