Pune Municipal Corporation seeks more support for TB patients' nutrition | Pune News

PUNE: Getting people, corporates and NGOs to sponsor rations for needy tuberculosis patients undergoing treatment has become a task for Pune Municipal Corporation (PMC).
The central government had launched the Nikshay Mitra scheme on September 9 this year which allowed community support for TB patients to get nutrition and vocational training.


The scheme was for all TB patients notified on or after April 2018 including all existing TB patients under treatment. The patient must be registered on the Nikshay portal. All notified TB patients were beneficiaries.
The Centre would previously provide a monthly support of Rs 500 for such patients to get a balanced diet. Under the new scheme, the Nikshay Mitra (friend of the patient) can provide specific portions of pulses, cereals, oil, milk and other nutritional support for speedy recovery of the patient.
Between January and September 2022, 4,750 new TB patients have been notified in the PMC areas. During the special detection drive conducted between September 13 and 30, a total of 5.09 lakh people were screened. Of these, 121 were put on treatment and need nutritional support.
After the scheme moved to community support, the PMC has found it difficult to get people to help these patients. Its staffers then stepped in. Currently, more than 50% of the Nikshay Mitras are PMC employees.
Dr Prasant Bothe, chief tuberculosis officer in PMC, said, “Out of the 47 individuals, NGOs and corporates who adopted 57 TB patients under the scheme, 22 were PMC staffers. We have not got the kind of response from the community we expected. Thirty four are individuals, one is an institute, eight are NGOs and four others. While TB is treatable and the government provides medications and treatment, proper nutritional support is important for speedy recovery and for the patients to fight the infection.”
Under the scheme, each patient receives a food basket worth Rs 700 which includes cereals and millets weighing 3kg, pulses weighing 1.5kg, 250ml vegetable oil, groundnuts or milk powder for one kg or six litres of milk.
In addition, micronutrients including vegetables and fruits, vitamin B and minerals supplements can also be provided. The support can also include non-vegetarian food.

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