Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate a stretch of the much-awaited Delhi-Mumbai Expressway on February 12. The 1,386-km expressway will connect Delhi and Mumbai and will cut the travel time to around 12 hours. Cities on the route of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway will also come closer. Travel time between Delhi and Jaipur will be brought down to 2 hours once PM Modi inaugurates the Sohna-Dausa stretch of the expressway on Sunday.
Delhi-Mumbai Expressway: 10 things
1. Delhi-Mumbai Expressway will be an eight-lane access-controlled greenfield expressway which in future can be expanded to 12 lanes.
2. 15,000-hectare land has been acquired along five states — Delhi, Haryana, Rajasthan, Gujarat and Maharashtra.
3. There will be 94 wayside amenities to improve the commuter experience on the expressway.
4. There will be 40+ major interchanges on the expressway which will prove connectivity to Kota, Indore, Jaipur, Bhopal, Vadodara and Surat.
5. The Sohna-Dausa stretch of the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway project is likely to be opened for traffic from Tuesday.
6. The project’s initial budget in 2018 was ₹98,000 crore. 12 lakh tons of steel are to be used for the construction of the Delhi-Mumbai expressway which is equivalent to 50 Howrah Bridges. The project is going to generate 10 crore man-days of employment.
7. Delhi-Mumbai expressway will cut the distance between Delhi and Mumbai short by 180km (from 1,424 km to 1,242 km)
8. This is the first expressway that developed with a 21-meter median on principles of forgiving highways allowing inward expansion, transport minister Nitin Gadkari said.
9. There will be a state-of-the-art automated traffic management system on the Delhi-Mumbai Expressway.
10. This is the first expressway in India and also Asia to accommodate animal overpasses, underpasses. It has been aligned to minimise the impact in Ranthambore Wildlife Sanctuary.