Ministers to monitor border village development, FM selects Lachen in Sikkim | Latest News India | Times Of Ahmedabad

The Narendra Modi government has tasked its ministers to ensure full implementation of its ‘Vibrant Villages Programme’ in 19 districts and 46 border blocks along the northern land border, finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said on Tuesday adding that she has chosen Lachen in Sikkim for the same.

Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government is laying a “very big emphasis” on the development of border villages (Twitter/PSTamangGolay)
Union finance minister Nirmala Sitharaman said the government is laying a “very big emphasis” on the development of border villages (Twitter/PSTamangGolay)

“I have chosen to go to Lachen, and I will definitely spend time” to see the border villages there get all amenities,” she said on Tuesday at a credit outreach programme in Gangtok, Sikkim.

On February 15, the Union cabinet approved 4,800 crore for the centrally sponsored scheme, Vibrant Villages Programme (VVP), for 2022-23 to 2025-26 in 19 districts and 46 border blocks in four states and one union territory (UT). In the first phase, 663 villages will be taken up in the programme.

The government is committed to the development of border villages to stop migration because of the unavailability of basic facilities, she said, adding that ministers have been instructed to go to the border villages and ensure that the VVP doesn’t remain on paper but is implemented on the ground.

The minister said the government is laying a “very big emphasis” on the development of border villages, which are being called “aspiring” villages. Vibrant villages are areas very close to the northern international borders from where people migrate to the plains due to the lack of amenities and opportunities, she said.

The minister said the government has been taking steps to ensure that the fruits of development reach these villages. The government has a two-pronged approach to ensure that every individual living there gets the benefit of all welfare programmes or ‘development through saturation’, and that they have all necessary common facilities such as roads, optical fibre connectivity, wellness centres, schools, panchayat places, and common service centres.

These areas must be well-connected, and better equipped so that everyone has the incentive to remain in their villages. They are “welcome to move wherever they want” but the migration should not be forced because of the lack of facilities, she said.

“You are welcome to choose your career wherever you want. But you shouldn’t leave your village just because it has no roads… [or other facilities which are] available anywhere else…,” she said.

According to a cabinet secretariat statement issued on February 15, the comprehensive development of areas near the northern border is to improve “the quality of life” for people living in identified villages.

“This will help in encouraging people to stay in their native locations in border areas and reversing the outmigration from these villages adding to improved security of the border,” it said.

“The scheme aids to identify and develop the economic drivers based on local natural human and other resources of the border villages on northern border and development of growth centres on ‘Hub and Spoke Model’ through the promotion of social entrepreneurship, empowerment of youth and women through skill development and entrepreneurship, leveraging the tourism potential through promotion of local cultural, traditional knowledge and heritage and development of sustainable eco-agribusinesses on the concept of ‘One village-One product’ through community-based organisations, Cooperatives, SHGs, NGOs etc,” the cabinet secretariat statement said.

The scheme involves connectivity with all-weather roads, drinking water, 24×7 electricity with focus on solar and wind energy, mobile and internet connectivity. tourist centres, multi-purpose centres and health centres.

Sitharaman announced the scheme while presenting the Budget for 2022-23. “Border villages with sparse population, limited connectivity and infrastructure often get left out from the development gains. Such villages on the northern border will be covered under the new Vibrant Villages Programme,” she said.

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