'Lost a son a year ago, didn't want tragedy again' | India News

Desperate family members and colleagues, who have been camping near the site despite the notable drop in the temperature, burst into tears of joy after seeing their loved ones emerge from the tunnel’s entrance. “Earlier, I was very sceptical about the outcome of the rescue missionand was concerned about my son’s well-being,” said Chaudhary Lal, whose 22-year-old son Manjeet was among the trapped workers.
“My elder son was electrocuted while working at a high-rise building in Mumbai over a year ago and I couldn’t bear the thought of losing my only other child in similar circumstances. But I am glad it’s all over now and I can finally reunite with him. I am thankful to the almighty for giving my son back,” Lal said
Rajni Tudu, 30, from Bihar, whose husband Virender Kisku, 40, was one of the trapped workers, told TOI, “Once we go back home, I will cook his favourite meal. My children are desperately waiting for their father’s return.”
Anshul Rawat, one of the residents of Silkyara, said, “People’s hope was slowly withering. Today, after the announcement about the success of the rescue operation, there was a wave of celebrations. We saw people buying clothes and sweets for the stranded men.”
Union home minister Amit Shah said, “The way PM Shri Narendra Modi ji personally monitored the entire operation along with providing all possible resources to safely rescue our labour brothers trapped in the tunnel reflects his sensitivity. I congratulate the leadership of Uttarakhand CM Shri Pushkardhami ji and the efforts of his team. All the people and agencies involved in this operation definitely deserve congratulations.”

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