We’re ready to help India build more N-reactors: Russian nuclear agency chief | India News

New Delhi: In order to expand nuclear cooperation, Russia is ready to help India with the construction of high-capacity nuclear power units at a new site, in addition to the atomic power project at Kudankulam in Tamil Nadu, Alexey Likhachev, head of the Russian nuclear agencysaid on Thursday. He also said that India will get next-generation nuclear fuel this summer.
Alexey Likhachev, director general of the Rosatom State Atomic Energy Corporation, made the offer during a meeting with Atomic Energy Commission chairman Ajit Kumar Mohanty at Seversk in Russia. Leaders of Russia and India nuclear industries visited the site of the pilot demonstration energy complex (PDEC) being built in Seversk, Tomsk region, as a part of “Proryv” (“Breakthrough”) strategic industry project. The Russian Atomic Chief showed Mohanty the fourth-generation site that will host the safest atomic reactor in history, RT-India reported. Moreover, the head of Rosatom Likhachev also praised the cooperation between the two nations, calling India a key partner in the nuclear area.
During the joint visit, a full-scale discussion took place on the prospective areas of Russian-Indian cooperation in the nuclear field.
“We are ready for serious expansion of cooperation with India in the field of using nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. This include, first of all, serial construction of the Russian-designed high-capacity nuclear power units at a new site in India, implementation of land-based and floating low-power generation projects, cooperation in the nuclear fuel cycle area, as well as in the field of non-power applications of nuclear technologies”, Alexey Likhachev said.
Likhachev and Mohanty also discussed the progress of the joint Kudankulam nuclear power project being constructed as per the Russian design in Tamil Nadu.
Kudankulam is scheduled to have six VVER-1000 reactors built in collaboration with Atomstroyexport, the Russian state company and Nuclear Power Corporation of India Limited (NPCIL), with an installed capacity of 6,000 MW of electricity. Two reactors (KKNPP-1 and 2) have been operating since 2013 and 2016, respectively, while two more (KKNPP-3 and 4) are currently under construction. Preparatory works have also been underway for units five and six of the plant, following a general framework agreement signed between India and Russia for the construction of the last two units at the Kudankulam site in June 2017.
Atomic Energy Commission chairman Mohanty was accompanied by the Indian ambassador to Russia, Vinay Kumar.

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