A dangerous disease is spreading rapidly in this country, people are dying in agony within 48 hours, there is chaos all around

Tokyo. After the Covid pandemic, a new disease is spreading in Japan. A rare “flesh-eating bacteria” is spreading rapidly here. This is killing citizens within 48 hours. According to the National Institute of Infectious Diseases, as of June 2 this year, cases of Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS) reached 977, which is more than the 941 cases of last year.

Streptococcus-A (GAS-A) usually causes inflammation and sore throat in children, called “strep throat”, but some such bacteria are developing rapidly, causing pain and swelling in the organs, fever, low-BP. This can lead to necrosis, breathing problems, organ failure and ultimately death. People over 50 are at higher risk of this disease.

Tokyo Women’s Medical University said, ‘Most deaths occur within 48 hours. For example, if a patient experiences swelling in his leg in the morning and by afternoon it spreads to the knee, he may die within 48 hours.’

In recent times, its symptoms have been seen in many countries. At least five European countries reported an increase in cases of invasive group A streptococcus (iGAS) disease to the World Health Organization at the end of 2022, which also includes STSS. The WHO has acknowledged the increase in its cases. They say that its cases are increasing rapidly since Covid.

At the rate at which the infection is spreading in Japan, the number of cases could cross 2,500 this year, with 30% of people likely to die “horrific” deaths. To avoid this, people have been advised to wash hands frequently, maintain hygiene and treat external body wounds properly.

Tags: Corona epidemic, Japan, Japan News

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