A snake entered the computer lab, a girl came smiling to catch it, surprised people said- 'Sister, be a little scared!'

During the rainy season, reptiles often come out in the open and enter homes. Because of this, people need to be very cautious. If a snake enters somewhere, then people’s condition worsens due to fear. Recently, something similar happened in a computer lab, after which even the teachers there started trembling with fear. A big snake was hiding behind a computer in the lab. Immediately a girl was called to catch the snake (Brave girl catch snake in computer lab). When the girl arrived, she was smiling, there was not even a trace of fear on her face. She caught the snake as if it was a child’s play. People were quite surprised to see this.

Instagram user @invincible._ajita is from Bilaspur and is a professional snake catcher. You will see many such videos on her account, in which she is seen catching snakes. But the video (Girl catch rat snake behind computer video) we are talking about is quite shocking. Ajita is called to a place, where people got scared after seeing the snake. It is not known whether this place is a school or a computer center, but Ajita bravely dispelled the fear of the teachers present there.

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