America's big step on Tibet, now China will be angry, know what is the Resolve Tibet Act - USA America President Joe Biden sign into law Resolve Tibet Act, what will China's next step Dalai Lama


President Joe Biden signs the Resolve Tibet ActNow America will increase its support for TibetChina considers Tibet as its part, opposes interference

Washington. America has taken a big step on Tibet. China is expected to be angry with this step of America. President Joe Biden has signed the Resolve Tibet Act, after which this bill has now become a law. In this way, America has increased its support for the Tibetan people. America has emphasized on increasing dialogue between China and Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama, so that the unresolved dispute can be resolved. Let us tell you that China has already opposed the Resolve Tibet Act and called it a law that creates instability. China considers Tibet as its part. On the other hand, Tibetan people have been continuously opposing Chinese occupation.

In fact, President Joe Biden has advocated increasing US support for Tibet and promoting dialogue to resolve the dispute related to its status and governance in a peaceful manner. China has been opposing this stand of America from the very beginning. The US has signed a bill to promote dialogue between China and Tibetan religious leader and leader Dalai Lama, after which it has become a law. It has been named the Resolve Tibet Act. China opposed the Resolve Tibet Act and called it a law that would create instability. The bill was passed by the House of Representatives in February last year, while the Senate passed it in May this year.

Why is America’s love for Tibet so strong? Love for Dalai Lama or conflict with China… what is the reason?

Statement by President Joe Biden
President Biden said in a statement issued late Friday night, “Today, I have signed S 138, the ‘Tibet-China Dispute Resolution Promoting Act’. I share the commitment of both houses of Parliament to support efforts to promote the human rights of Tibetans and protect their linguistic, cultural and religious heritage.” Biden further said, “My government will continue to call on China to resume direct talks with the Dalai Lama or his representatives without any preconditions to resolve differences and reach a negotiated settlement on Tibet.”

What is the Resolve Tibet Act?
Now the question arises that what is the Resolve Tibet Act, to which China has already expressed objection. In fact, China considers Tibet as its part and strongly opposes any kind of interference, considering it to be external. Tibetan religious leader and leader Dalai Lama fled to India in 1959 and runs a government in exile from Dharamsala. Recently, a US delegation went to Dharamsala. China had strongly objected to this. The delegation had met the Dalai Lama, which angered China. Now US President Biden has signed the Resolve Tibet Act and given it legal form. This will increase America’s support for Tibet and a negotiated solution to the Tibet dispute will be advocated on international forums. China will not like this at all.

Tags: America News, China news, US President Joe Biden, Xi Jinping

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