Champions League Final: Chaos outside stadium, tear gas shells fired on fans - Champions League Final Police action for Liverpool fans at Stade de France

Paris. There are frequent clashes or disputes between football fans regarding their favorite teams. Something similar was seen on Saturday. Before the final match of the Champions League Football Tournament between Liverpool and Real Madrid, fans created a ruckus and spread chaos outside the ‘Stade de France’ stadium in Paris. The police had to fire tear gas shells to control these rioting fans.

The fans’ uproar caused a 37-minute delay in the match, which Real Madrid won 1-0. The Union of European Football Associations (UEFA), which runs the tournament, said the incident was caused by thousands of fans buying fake tickets. They did not say which team these fans belonged to but expressed “extreme disappointment” at the security problems experienced by their fans.

See this also, Real Madrid became Champions League champion for the 14th time, defeating Liverpool

During this time, the police and security guards caught and took out the fans who tried to forcefully enter the ground. Liverpool fans were shouting outside the ground that they had valid tickets and should be allowed inside the stadium. When the match was about to start after a delay of 37 minutes, once again there was a scuffle between the fans to enter the stadium. The police had to use tear gas shells and pepper spray again.

A fan, Colm Lacy, said, ‘Children are crying, people are stuck in the crowd. People are trying to break the line and enter the stadium.’ A fan named Angela Murphy said, we are standing here since 6:15. I have asthma and my condition has worsened due to tear gas shells. During this, some policemen and security guards also got affected by tear gas and for some time they became unconscious.

Tags: Sports news

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