Disaster rained from the sky, suddenly the ground cracked... and then 2 thousand people got buried alive in 'Paatal Lok'

Melbourne: There has been a huge destruction in Papua New Guinea. Nature showed such a fierce form in Papua New Guinea that suddenly the whole village got submerged in the netherworld. The whole world is shocked to see this horrifying scene. Yes, the Papua New Guinea government has said that more than 2000 people were buried alive in the landslide. The Papua New Guinea government has given this information to the United Nations. This incident happened on Friday. This devastation happened in a remote village. Now the government has formally sought international help for relief work.

Papua New Guinea wrote a letter to the UN’s local coordinator on Sunday. In this letter, the acting director of the National Disaster Center of Papua New Guinea said that more than 2000 people were buried alive in the landslide and there was huge destruction. Estimates of the number of casualties since the landslide vary widely. It is not yet clear how the authorities counted the number of victims.

Australia on Monday prepared to send aircraft and other equipment to help at the site of a landslide in Papua New Guinea. Rainfall overnight in the mountainous regions of Papua New Guinea has raised fears that tonnes of rubble that have buried hundreds of villagers could be dangerously unstable. Australian Defence Minister Richard Marles said his officials had been talking with their Papua New Guinea counterparts since Friday. It is being reported that the ground is still sliding and rescue operations are being hampered.

In fact, a landslide occurred on Friday in Enga province, about 600 km northwest of Port Moresby, the capital of Papua New Guinea. The ground suddenly cracked and the entire village was submerged inside. This accident happened when a part of Mount Mungalo completely collapsed. Many houses were buried in it, inside which people were sleeping. The bodies of six people killed in this landslide have been recovered. According to the disaster office, the land where crops were grown completely collapsed due to the landslide. The main highway of Porgera Mine is completely blocked.

Tags: Papua New Guinea, World news

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