Disloyalty to the company itself! The woman kept getting salary for 20 years without doing any work, then...

New Delhi: Everyone waits for their salary. After working, when the salary comes at the end of the month, people forget all the stress of work. But there is no one who wants to get salary without working. However, such a shocking case has come to light. A French woman has filed a shocking case against the telecom giant Orange.

In fact, the woman accused the company of not giving her any work. During this time, the company kept paying her salary. Lawrence Van Wassenhove claims that after requesting a transfer due to disability, the company effectively stopped including him in any plan.

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what is the whole matter
Wassenhove, who suffers from partial paralysis and epilepsy, was reportedly hired by France Telecom, Orange’s predecessor, in 1993. He is partially paralysed. Initially, he took on roles befitting his limitations, working as a secretary and in human resources. However, in 2002, he requested a transfer to a different region within France.

According to Van Wassenhove’s lawyers, his transfer request was approved. But the new workplace was not designed to suit his needs. However, instead of offering a suitable alternative, Orange allegedly stopped assigning him any work.

Despite receiving his full salary for the next two decades, Van Wassenhove claims he suffered “moral harassment” due to this situation. He argues that he was isolated and lost professional purpose due to being paid without performing any work duties.

Tags: World news

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