Explainer: Why is there a demand to field Kamala Harris for the presidential election now? It is being considered strong


Many Democratic leaders say if Biden steps down, Harris should take his placeThere is growing pressure within the Democratic Party for Biden to withdraw from the raceHarris is doing better than Trump in virtual surveys, her approval is increasing

A strange situation has arisen in America before the presidential election. When the current president and the Democratic Party’s candidate for the same post, Joe Biden, participated in a TV debate on Republican candidate Donald Trump, his performance was poor. After this, his ratings started falling. So panic started spreading within the Democratic Party. Now the Democratic leaders themselves have started telling Biden to give up his claim and put Kamala Harris forward. Can this happen? If it happens, what will be its process?

There is a demand in the ruling Democratic Party that Biden should withdraw from the presidential candidature. Someone else should be allowed to contest for the important presidential election to be held on November 5. According to a CNN survey, Trump is ahead of Biden by 0.6 points. It also found that in a hypothetical contest, Harris is very close to Trump. 47 percent of registered voters support Trump, 45 percent support Harris. This means that Harris has a stronger influence than Biden. If she becomes the presidential candidate, she can give a serious fight to Trump.

Question – Do people in the Democratic Party want to see Harris as a presidential candidate?
– Slowly it seems that the atmosphere within the Democratic Party is building up in favour of Harris. Hence, many Democratic leaders are openly saying in favour of Harris that it is better to make Harris the presidential candidate now than Biden. This has also been said in the Washington Post report. Many leaders are ready to support Harris if Biden backs out.

Question – Why was Kamala Harris’s name not considered earlier?
– Because she was previously seen as weak within the Democratic Party. One reason for this was her unfortunate presidential run in 2020, when she had to drop out before a single vote was cast. But choosing someone else instead of Harris, the first black woman to serve as vice president, seems politically unstable.

Question – What if Biden backs down?
– Then the Democratic Party will call a big national convention in August. There an attempt will be made to reach a consensus on a name, although it is possible that there may be competition among the contenders for the nomination. Since she is strengthening her position in the survey, the atmosphere in the party may be in her favor. However, there is not much time left, so the option will have to be seen between Biden and Harris.

Question – What other reasons are being given for bringing Harris forward?
– Harris could energize Democratic-leaning groups that have lost enthusiasm for Biden – black voters, young people and women. Some progressives say she could win back some voters who are disappointed with Biden’s handling of the Israel-Gaza war. Kamala Harris could also get support from blacks, Asians and women.

Harris’s supporters argue that her past two years have seen more progress than missteps. She became a leading voice on abortion rights after the Supreme Court’s decision in June 2022, an issue Biden feels uncomfortable discussing. She has met dozens of global leaders, including Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a half-dozen times, and developed a foreign policy portfolio she did not have before.

Question – When are the presidential elections in America?
– The elections are on November 05. But since in America the contender for the post of President has to first go through a big process within the party and the states, there will not be time for that now. Raising funds will also be a challenge. Harris may have a harder time raising cash for the campaign than Biden.

Question – For which post is Harris a contender right now?
– At present, she is the contender for the post of Vice President after Biden. If Biden wins, she will become Vice President again. However, the relationship between her and Biden is said to be cold.

Question – Apart from Harris, who else are the Democratic contenders for the post of President if the situation changes?
– That includes Whitmer and Newsom, Illinois Governor JB Pritzker, Representative Ro Khanna (California), Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro and Maryland Governor Wes Moore. All are popular in their home states and in Democratic circles but have not yet been tested on the national stage. At the moment, though, Harris’s potential Democratic rivals are backing away – or are being encouraged to do so.

According to a person close to the Michigan governor, Whitmer will not run for president this year and would be “absolutely ready” for Harris. Newsom has also indicated he will support Harris, also from California. California lawmakers say they do not think he will run this year.

Question – Is age also an issue in the US elections this time?
According to some strategists, American voters are disappointed that the election is a contest between two old men. Biden is 81 years old while Trump is 78 years old. Harris will present a young face and a symbol of change. She is still very young at the age of 59.

Question – By the way, what are the arguments against Harris?
– People within the Democratic Party feel that her previous intra-party campaign for the presidency was a failure. She also repeatedly faltered in the early stages of her vice-presidency. She had to struggle when Biden asked her to work with the leaders of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador to deal with the root causes of illegal migration to the US so that the conditions there could be improved. However, Harris’s supporters say that the President had deliberately given her such a task, which was almost impossible.

Question – What is Harris herself indicating?
– Harris has so far refused to engage in any public strategy. Since the debate, she has been seen with Biden, defending him, and telling everyone on camera that voters should look at the great work Biden has done over the past three and a half years, not his 90-minute struggle in the debate.

In an interview with CBS News on Tuesday, Harris declined to answer a question about whether she would be willing to lead the country if Biden is unable to. She said she is “proud to be Joe Biden’s running mate. We will beat Trump again,” she said.

Tags: Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, US President, US President Joe Biden, US Presidential Election 2024

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