Google changed life, woman learned skill for free... opened a trust, product became a hit across the country

Godda. Google has changed the world. In such a situation, how can women remain untouched by it. Godda resident Neena Kumari learned to make organic products from Google without any government help and opened her own trust. Dozens of women from the locality were included in the trust and given employment. Today, the products made by this trust are supplied across the country.

Organic products are made in this trust. These are prepared from cow dung and herbal powder. Dhoopbatti (incense stick) is made here which purifies the environment with its fragrance. Idols of Lakshmi-Ganesh, ghee lamp, jute bags, bags and many other items are made. Women do this work for 3-4 hours every day in the afternoon after doing all the household work.

This is how the trust started
Trust director Neena Kumari told Local 18 that during the lockdown, when everything was shut down, she learned to make organic products from Google while sitting at home. She started this trust, which was named Shriram Swayam Seva Trust. At first, she ran it by herself for a few months. Then gradually many women of the locality joined her and started getting the goods made on a large scale. She sells it not only in the district but also in different corners of the country through courier. For this, she takes the help of online shopping applications. She herself earns 20 to 30 thousand rupees a month.

Sale in the neighborhood
Further, she said that only organic products are made in the trust. People in her locality have been using her products for many years. They like them a lot. She orders the material for making these products from Nagpur and Kolkata. Mamta Devi and Preeti Jha, who are part of this women’s group Swayam Seva Trust, said that by working 3-4 hours a day, they earn 300 to 350 rupees daily.

Tags: Godda news, Google, Local18, Womens Success Story

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