Holi starts here in purnia Banmankhi Narsingh Avtar of Lord Vishnu

Report-Vikram Kumar Jha
Purnia. There are as many ways to celebrate Holi as there are colours. It is said that Holi festival started from Purnia city of Bihar. According to beliefs, it was here that Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Vaman and killed Holika. Even today, some places are considered to be the remains of the places mentioned in that story. Holi here has been given the status of a state festival.

Everyone plays Holi in India but the way of celebrating it is different. It is celebrated as a state festival in Banmankhi of Purnia district of Bihar. Here a statue of Holika is made and then it is burnt. People take its ashes home. Then they play Holi with it. After this Holi begins. This time a 40 feet high statue of Holika is being made here.

Holi started from here
It is believed that Holi started from here. Its story is described in the Puranas. People here play Holi not with colors but with the ashes of Holika. It is said that Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha from the pillar behind the Narasimha temple located at Sikligarh Dharhara in Banmankhi and protected his devotee Prahlad from a demon like Hiranyakashyap. Since then, the tradition of Holika Dahan started from here.

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The remains are signs
Many remains related to Holika Dahan are left in Purnia. The pillar from which Lord Narasimha appeared in the form of a human to save devotee Prahlad is still present here. The material and evidence found after excavation around this place are proving the historicity of this place.

Thousand years old temple
Giving information to Local 18, the temple priest Laxman Rishi Dev and local committee member Gopal Prasad Sahni said that this temple is thousands of years old. He said that the miracle of Lord Vishnu and many powers are present in the pillars of this temple. People present there said that the people of this village play Holi with ashes before colors. Then they celebrate Holi with joy by doing puja and eating dishes in their homes.

Banmankhi was once the city of Hiranyakashyap
Committee member Gopal Prasad Sahni told Local 18 that Holika Dahan first happened in Banmankhi. It is also mentioned in the Puranas. Hiranyakashyap’s city was once called Banmankhi. The story is that Hiranyakashyap used to threaten Lord Vishnu and torture his son Prahlad. Tired of those tortures, Lord Vishnu appeared from the pillar and protected Prahlad.

State festival status
Holi of Purnia has been given the status of a state festival. That is why people come here from far and wide to celebrate Holi. They pray in the temple and ask for their wishes. Like every year, this year too a 40 feet tall Holika statue is being made here. It will be burnt on the day of Holika Dahan. People will celebrate Holi with the remaining remains or ashes.

Tags: Holi news, purnia news, Local18

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