How many mobile numbers are linked to your Aadhaar, know in one click, check this way - how many phone numbers are registered on your Aadhar card know here by tafcop website

New Delhi. In recent times, some cases have come to light of mobile numbers being issued to anyone on anyone’s Aadhar Card number. These cases have come to light because it is easy to circumvent the process of eKYC with finger prints. Now to overcome this problem and avoid misuse of SIM cards and fraud with it, the Department of Telecommunications has recently launched a portal that will provide information about the numbers allotted to any Aadhar card number. The name of this portal is Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection (TAFCOP).

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has mentioned on the TAFCOP website that ‘This website has been developed to help subscribers, to know about the number of active mobile connections in their name and to take necessary action to regularise their additional mobile connections.’

Let us tell you how you can find out how many more Aadhaar numbers have been issued based on the number linked to your Aadhaar.

1. Visit the Telecom Analytics for Fraud Management and Consumer Protection Portal –
2. Then enter your mobile number.
3. Then you have to click on OTP request.
4. Then enter the valid OTP
5. After this, all the numbers related to the Aadhaar number will be visible on the website
6. From this list of numbers, you can report and block those numbers which are not in use or which you do not need. If you suspect any number, you can also report it.

An SMS will be sent to those who have more than nine numbers issued on one Aadhaar number. As per government rules, a mobile subscriber can register a maximum of nine mobile connections in his name.

Tags: 5G Technology, Fake Aadhar Card

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