In French elections, the dreams of anti-Muslims were shattered, the left dominated, violence broke out in many places


In the French elections, the leftist coalition became the largest by winning 182 seats, but is far from the majority.The right-wing coalition, which emerged victorious in the first round, came third with 143 seats.France’s right-wing party, National Rally, is also considered opposed to the Muslim community.

Paris. Riots have erupted in many places after the results of the parliamentary elections in France. In this election, the coalition of leftist parties has got the maximum number of seats. On the other hand, the right-wing faction, which won the election in the first round, has slipped to third place. However, no group has got a majority here, due to which a situation of uncertainty has been created in France, which has never been seen before.

Here, President Emmanuel Macron’s centrist coalition came in second place and the right-wing came in third. Three major political groups have emerged from these elections – yet none of them has come close to the 289 seats needed for a majority in the 577-seat lower house, the National Assembly. The leftist coalition, which emerged as the largest group here, has got 182 seats. Macron’s coalition has got 168 seats, while the far-right Rassemblement National and its allies have got 143 seats.

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Macron will now become the kingmaker instead of the king
The number of seats of leftist and rightist parties has increased in the National Assembly. However, in case no party gets a majority, no contender has emerged for the next prime minister. Here, the left or the right will have to bring together the centrist Emmanuel Macron’s party to form the government. However, he says that he will wait for the new National Assembly to organize itself before taking any decision on the new government. The session of the National Assembly will begin on July 18.

A blow to Muslim opponents
The first round of elections was held in France on June 30, in which Marine Le Pen’s ‘National Rally’ took the lead. The ‘National Rally’ has a long association with racism and anti-Semitism and is also considered to be opposed to the Muslim community of France. These results of the second round of elections are being seen as a big setback for it.

Violence erupted in many places
Meanwhile, violence has erupted on the streets of France after the election results. Many disturbing videos have emerged in which many masked protesters can be seen creating a ruckus on the streets and setting fire in some parts of France. According to the Daily Mail report, the authorities had deployed 30,000 riot police across the country due to the possibility of increasing political tension.

Tags: France News

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