Miami, Florida – Nancy Pelosi, the former speaker of the House of Representatives, has been doing some behind-the-scenes maneuvering seeking to push Biden out of the presidential race. She carefully ironed out what she wanted to say yesterday on “Morning Joe,” Biden’s appointment viewing — keeping Democratic leaders abreast of her intentions. Pelosi argued on the program that the president needs to decide whether he will step down, reigniting the debate on the Hill after a day where Biden appeared to have at least quelled the call for him to withdraw from the presidential race.

One person close to Pelosi said Pelosi’s comments on the show were a subtle green light, meant to encourage members to speak up about their desire to see change atop the ticket and warn Biden to reconsider staying in the race.

In private conversations with lawmakers, the former speaker hasn’t tried to hide her disdain for the party’s situation with an increasingly diminished Biden.  She’s suggested to people that Biden won’t win this November and should step aside, according to about a half-dozen lawmakers and others who have spoken with her or are familiar with these conversations.

The former speaker has gone as far as advising swing districts to do whatever they have to do to secure their reelections — even if it means asking Biden to relinquish his place atop the ticket.  However, Pelosi has advised those members to wait until this week’s NATO Summit is finished out of respect for Biden and national security. Some members have already started drafting statements of what they want to say, ready to drop once foreign leaders leave town.

For members in non-swing districts, PELOSI has encouraged them to take their pleas for Biden to step aside directly to the White House or the campaign to minimize public fighting. We are told that some have tried but cannot get through to the president.

PELOSI, who has publicly said she supports whatever Biden chooses, denied pretty much all of this reporting through a spokesman last night, including that she told anyone Biden should step aside. “Publicly and privately, Speaker Pelosi has acknowledged the concerns that many have expressed in recent days but has repeatedly said that she fully supports whatever President Biden decides to do.”

Meanwhile, Pelosi’s words on “Morning Joe” clearly hit their mark. Yesterday alone, two Democrats solidly in Biden’s camp earlier this week appeared to raise alarms about Biden’s ability to win a second term in November.  Two additional House Democrats — Rep. EARL BLUMENAUER (Ore.) and PAT RYAN (N.Y.) — called for Biden to step aside, as did Sen. PETER WELCH(D-Vt.).

The news about Pelosi and Obama comes as Schumer has reportedly told donors that he’s open to a new presidential ticket that doesn’t include Biden.  Minority leader Hakeem Jeffries has told lawmakers that he plans to convey his members’ concerns to the big guy in the Oval Office himself — though it’s unclear when Jeffries and Biden will speak next.

Closely held discussions between Pelosi, Obama, and other bigwigs in the Democratic Party suggest that Democratic leaders are seriously contemplating what many in their party called a “fantasy” just two weeks ago—that Biden might indeed have to go.

And quite frankly, at Biden’s age, he should retire and allow a new and younger generation to take over. Whether that new generation includes Vice President Kamala Harris is yet to be proven.

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