Old pickles are also causing dangerous diseases? Doctor reveals the truth, know how the taste of pickles is increasing the risk of cancer

Does old pickle increase the risk of cancer? If pickle is also served along with roti and vegetables in the food plate, then the pleasure of eating doubles. For many people, the food is not complete without pickle. No matter how many dishes are served in the plate, but only a bite of pickle can give them real satisfaction. But if you are also a pickle lover like this, then you should read this news carefully. A shocking thing has come to light about pickle which has been adding taste to Indian plates for years. Dr. Jamal A. Khan, Cancer Immunotherapist and Founder Director of The Denvax Clinic Doctors say that old pickles can increase the risk of diseases like cancer in your body. Not only this, cases of cancer have been seen more in families where pickles are consumed in large quantities.

Old pickles produce free radicals

Cancer immunotherapist, Dr. Jamal A. Khan says that eating pickles after storing them for a long time can also lead to the risk of diseases like cancer. Free radicals are formed in pickles stored for a long time, which can be fatal. Dr. Jamal A. Khan said, ‘We have an old saying that the older the pickle, the better it is. But in reality, the older the pickle, the more free radicals it produces. Actually, any food that is decayed means that which is stored for a long time. Pickle is also such a food. A lot of free radicals are formed in it. Free radicals means those which remove an oxygen. But this oxygen is not O2, but only O. It damages the walls of the cells formed in our body.

Make pickle yesterday, eat it today…

Dr. Jamal A. Khan adds, ‘I have seen that cancer is more prevalent in families where pickles are consumed more. Look, let me clarify here that there is a type of pickle that you make yesterday and consume today. Such pickles are absolutely good. There is no problem with them. But sometimes. Do not consume this every day. But try not to consume one year old pickle or two year old pickle. Make pickle in this season and consume it in this season itself.

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