PM Modi Russia Visit: Putin is not welcoming PM Modi so much without any reason, India has done so many favours to Russia...

New Delhi: The friendship between India and Russia is decades old. The global situation has seen many ups and downs, but the colour of this friendship has not faded. The friendship between India and Russia is not liked by the world. First of all, there was pressure on India to sour or say, end its relations with Russia. But India did not abandon its partner in times of crisis. Russia has been fighting a war with Ukraine for the last two and a half years. Russia is facing criticism from the world due to the war. There are many restrictions on Russia due to the Ukraine war. The whole world is trying to isolate it. America is trying to break Russia in a terrible way. The clouds of crisis have been looming over Russia since the beginning of the Ukraine war. In a way, it has become isolated. But Russia’s true friend India is supporting it even in its hour of crisis. This is the reason why PM Modi has gone on a visit to Russia without worrying about the world. PM Modi’s visit has taken place at a time when the whole world seems to be standing against Russia and NATO countries are meeting in America to discuss the Ukraine war.

When PM Modi reached Russia, everyone’s eyes were on how he would be welcomed in Russia. This is also because in recent times, closeness has been seen between Russia and China. For some time, China has been trying to woo Russia. It seemed that the friendship between Russia and China has increased a lot. Russia’s focus has shifted from India to China. But when PM Modi landed on Moscow’s soil, all these things seemed to be a figment of imagination. The way Putin welcomed PM Modi, it became clear that the friendship between India and Russia is unbreakable. Whereas Russia’s friendship with China is a necessity. China tried hard to bring Russia to its side, but Putin showed that its old friend i.e. India is more important for him. PM Modi was welcomed by Russia’s first deputy PM. This is also special because when Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Russia last year, he was welcomed by Russia’s second deputy PM.

Jinping has less respect in front of Modi
In Russia, after President Putin, comes the First Deputy PM. After him comes the Second Deputy PM. Upon reaching Moscow, PM Modi was received by Russia’s First Deputy PM Denis Manturov at Vnukovo International Airport. He accompanied PM Modi from the airport to the hotel. Whereas Jinping was received by the Second Deputy PM. In this way, PM Modi was given more respect than the Chinese President in Moscow. This was the first time that Russian President Putin sent the country’s First Deputy PM to receive a foreign head of government at the country’s airport. This gesture of red-carpet welcome to PM Modi by the highest-ranking leader of Russia, just below President Putin, gives a clear message of how important India’s support is for Russia. Also, how much importance Russia gives to its relations with India.

After all why is Modi being treated with such hospitality?
Now the question arises that why is Putin treating PM Modi with such hospitality? Why is India getting more respect than China? Due to which deeds of India is Russia looking grateful? Hardly anyone would have any problem in understanding the answers to these questions. In times of crisis, there is only one country in the world which stood firmly with Russia. That is India. After starting the war with Ukraine, sanctions were showered on Russia. The West also threatened the countries having relations with Russia. Everyone got scared of the pressure of sanctions, but India did not budge. Even in times of crisis, India showed its courage and did not leave Russia. Russia, which was fighting a war with Ukraine, was in a difficult situation for some time. It needed money. Everyone was afraid of America in buying oil from it. Then India was the only country which fulfilled its needs by continuously buying oil. Russia’s income and revenue increased due to India’s purchase of oil. Western countries including America put a lot of pressure on India not to buy oil. But India did not listen to them. In this way India continued supporting Russia.

Putin also understands the difference between friendship and anger
Not only this, despite the war with Ukraine, India has been seen standing with Russia. India has supported Russia on every international forum. Recently, during the Ukraine Peace Summit held in Switzerland, India showed friendship with Russia by not signing the agreements. Whereas China did not even go to the summit to avoid the displeasure of the western countries. However, India has never justified the Russia-Ukraine war. India has always advocated peace. India may have never criticized Putin on public forums, but has advised to end the war through peaceful talks. Keeping the dignity of friendship, India has always advocated settling the Ukraine war through talks. India never cared about the displeasure of the world in maintaining friendship with Russia. Whereas China even bowed down to the pressure of America and the West. This is the reason why it never openly supported Russia. Putin himself understands this. Putin also understands the difference between friendship and need. This is the reason why PM Modi is being treated very well in Russia.

Tags: India russia, PM Modi, Russia ukraine war, Vladimir Putin

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