She called 911 and asked for help, then what happened to a black woman in America is unimaginable

Washington. A shocking incident has emerged from America, where the police shot and killed the very woman who had called them for help. US lawyers have released body-camera footage showing an Illinois sheriff’s deputy entering her home and shooting a 36-year-old unarmed black woman in the face, even though she had called 911 to report a burglar.

The deputy fired three shots, one of which hit Sonya Massey in the face, killing her on the spot. The video shows Massey trying her best to dodge the bullet, but she was unsuccessful. The footage was made public on July 22, five days after Deputy Sean Grayson was charged with first-degree murder.

On July 6, Grayson and another deputy responded to Massey’s 911 call. After checking the property and discovering that a car had been broken into, they found no burglars or vandals nearby, after which they entered the woman’s home and engaged in normal conversation with her for 18 minutes. However, the situation turned deadly when Grayson ordered Massey to spill a pot of hot water and then shot her in the face.

Following an extensive investigation by the Illinois State Police and the Sangamon County State’s Attorney’s Office, Grayson faces charges of first-degree murder, official misconduct with a weapon and misconduct. According to records, Grayson is currently being held at the Menard County Detention Facility. If he is convicted of the murder charge, he could face life imprisonment, The Washington Post reported.

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